Page 151 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 18, 2017
P. 151
Current scholarship in the field of Chinese paintings does not permit Current scholarship in the field of Japanese and Korean paintings does
unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of execution. The not permit unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of execution.
limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of Sale does The limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of Sale does
not apply to Chinese paintings. Nonetheless, if within twenty-one not apply to Japanese and Korean paintings. Nonetheless, if within
days of the sale of any such lot, the original purchaser gives written twenty-one days of the sale of any such lot, the original purchaser gives
notice to Bonhams that the lot is a forgery and if within fourteen days written notice to Bonhams & Butterfields that the lot is a forgery and
after giving such notice, the original purchaser returns the lot to us if within fourteen days after giving such notice, the original purchaser
in the same condition as at the time of sale and demonstrates to our returns the lot to us in the same condition as at the time of sale and
satisfaction that the lot is a forgery, Bonhams & Butterfields will rescind demonstrates to our satisfaction that the lot is a forgery, Bonhams
the sale and refund the purchase price received. For this purpose a will rescind the sale and refund the purchase price received. For this
‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with intent to deceive. purpose a ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with intent to deceive.
Buddhist Art from the Collection of Barbara Adams, Sold to
Benefit the Barbara Adams Trust
Property from a Canadian Collection
Property from a Chicago Estate
Property from a Montana Estate
Property from a Napa Collection
Property from a Northern California Gentleman
Property from a Private California Collector
Property from a Private Collection
Property from a Private German Collector, Acquired in China
Beginning in the 1960s
Property from a Private Las Vegas Collection
Property from a Private Nevada Collection Since the 1950s
Property from a Private Southern California Collection
Property from a San Francisco Foundation
Property from a San Francisco Foundation
Property from a Southern California Institution
Property from a Texas Collection
Property from a West Coast Collector
Property from the Brown Family Collection
Property from the Collection of Lawrence K. Rosinger (1915-1994)
Property from the Collection of Mark Pratt
Property from the Dr. Sylvan and Faith Golder Collection
Property from the Dr. Sylvan and Faith Golder Collection
Property from the Estate of a Gentleman
Property from the Estate of a Gentleman
Property from the Estate of Dr. Gregory Dahlen, Jr.
Property from the Henry Tao-sze Hsia Collection
Property from the Monterey Museum of Art, Sold to Benefit
the Museum Funds
Southeast Asian Art from the Krannich Collection
Thangkas from the Van der Wee Collection
Vietnamese Ceramics from the Brow Collection