P. 12

PROPERTY FROM THE MONTEREY MUSEUM OF ART,                                 Provenance
SOLD TO BENEFIT THE MUSEUM FUNDS                                          The Monterey Museum of Art, accession number A88:12

8013                                                                      The present ding is notable for its crisp casting and exceptionally bold
AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL FOOD VESSEL, DING                                qiequ dragon band in the upper register. A closely related qiequ ding,
Western Zhou dynasty                                                      with a highly similar decorative band and silhouette, dated Western
Boldly cast, with deeply rounded walls rising to an everted lip, the      Zhou, is in the collection of the National Museum of China, Beijing.
body raised on three columnar legs and divided into two horizontal        Another ding, with nearly identical form, and an analogous decorative
registers by a string border, the upper register cast with a qiequ band   band, dated Western Zhou dynasty, excavated at Dongjia Village,
in high relief containing six highly stylized kui dragons confronting on  Qishan County, Shaanxi in 1975, is in the collection of the Shaanxi
vertical flanges, with two canted U-shaped loop handles standing          Museum. A further related example with similarly high relief in its
up from the lipped rim, the underside with triangular seam lines, the     decoration, dated Western Zhou dynasty is in the collection of the Xuyi
exterior with soft green patina and the interior with some incrustation   County Museum, Jiangsu. A ding with related form and kui dragon
and verdigris.                                                            decoration, dated 10th century BC, was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
7 3/4in (19.8cm) wide                                                     1 December 2010, sale 2832, lot 3217.

US$50,000 - 80,000

西周 青銅夔龍紋沖天耳三足鼎

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