Page 257 - 2019 October Important Chinese Art Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 257


                             A LARGE WHITE JADE FIGURE OF A PHOENIX    十八世紀   白玉鳳銜壽桃把件
                             QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY
                             the substantial boulder intricately worked in the form of   Douglas Wright,倫敦
                             a recumbent phoenix, its webbed feet tucked underneath   倫敦蘇富比1983年4月15日,編號166
                             its body and its long plumed tail curled behind, the wings
                             folded on the side, carved with an archaistic dragon in low   哈特曼伉儷收藏
                             relief and finely incised with feathers, the crowned head   香港佳士得2006年11月28日,編號1426
                             turned slightly to its right, detailed with eyes in slits and a   出版:
                             long combed beard, its curved beak grasping a gnarled leafy   Robert Kleiner,《哈特曼收藏中國玉器》,香
                             branch extended to the bird’s back and issuing a pair of
                             succulent peaches, the stone of an event white tone, carved   港,1996年,圖版199
                             wood stand
                             15.5 cm, 6⅛ in.
                             Douglas Wright, London.
                             Sotheby’s London, 15th April 1983, lot 166.
                             Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman.
                             Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th November 2006, lot 1426.
                             Robert Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and
                             Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 199.
                             HK$ 300,000-500,000
                             US$ 38,300-64,000

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