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           REGINA KRAHL

           Almost no other blue-and-white design of the Xuande   The Xuande Emperor continued the patronage of the
           reign (1426-1435) represented such a perfect vehicle for   Tibetan Buddhist clergy, their monasteries and temples,
           Jingdezhen’s potters to show off their prowess like this   which the Yongle Emperor (r. 1403-1424) had initiated on
           stem bowl and its rare companions. No previous or later   a grand scale. Stem bowls appear to have been used in
           porcelains have documented in any comparable way the   Buddhist rituals and placed on Buddhist altars. Many stem
           artisans’ newly acquired ability to play with cobalt tones at   bowls of this form, mainly in monochrome white, are known
           will, to mix and fire them so precisely that they evoke exactly   from the Yongle period and many different designs were
           the desired effects: an impressive deep royal blue to convey   commissioned by the Xuande Emperor. Those decorated
           majestic and powerful animals contrasting with the subtlest   with imperial five-clawed dragons and inscribed with the
           shades of pale blue to suggest sweet, unthreatening waters.   imperial reign mark left no doubt about the pious imperial
           The efforts to create distinctive tones of cobalt blue were   donor who was thus immortalised. A number of stem bowls
           clearly following the tradition of ink painting, where depth,   almost certainly bestowed by these two Emperors are still
           emphasis and even drama were always invoked through   preserved in Tibet today, for example, in the Sakya (Sa-skya)
           simple shades of black and grey.          Monastery in Xigaze (Shigatse) and in the Potala Palace in
                                                     Lhasa, see the exhibition catalogue Xueyu cangzhen. Xizang
           And as if this was not admirable enough, the imperial kilns   wenwu jinghua/Treasures from Snow Mountains. Gems of
           conjured up another trick, the still mysterious technique
           of creating a design that is hidden, anhua, and not obvious   Tibetan Cultural Relics, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, 2001,
           to the casual viewer, but takes some effort to be seen – a   cat. nos 93-97, which include a white Yongle example with
           technique never successfully replicated in later periods.   incised dragons and a Xuande stem bowl with blue five-
                                                     clawed dragons and polychrome lotus.
           Since in the Xuande reign, the interest at court in the
           artefacts from Jingdezhen’s imperial kilns had finally been   The present design is known from only three other pieces,
           fully aroused, the potters now strove not only to justify   all of Xuande mark and period, and four other examples
           the attention they received, but to amplify it. To go to the   of a close variant are recorded, most of them in museum
           extreme lengths of adding highly complex decoration that   collections. A very similar piece in the Capital Museum,
           is all but invisible can have no other reason than trying to   Beijing, is illustrated in Shoudu Bowuguan cang ci xuan
           engage the Emperor directly with the porcelains delivered to   [Selection of porcelains from the Capital Museum], Beijing,
           the court, to get him to handle them, to look at them closely,   1991, pl. 101; another in the National Museum of China,
           to make him actively aware of the virtuosity of Jingdezhen’s   Beijing, is published in Zhongguo Guojia Bowuguan guancang
           artisans, in short, to impress him.       wenwu yanjiu congshu / Studies on the Collections of the

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