Page 108 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 108
The Ferguson Collection of Six Fine Qi Baishi Paintings
LOTS 227-232
Kenneth Ferguson (1930-2016), was born in Gateshead, 肯尼思 · 福格森(1930-2016),出生於英國北部蓋茨黑德,
England in 1930. He was summoned to join HM Forces (RAF) 一九四九年應召入伍進入英國皇家空軍,服務於國家保險部。
in 1949, served at the Ministry of National Insurance before 一九五二年,他以優異的成績考入外交部,次年即被派駐美國
he entered the Foreign Office by examination, coming out top 華盛頓。駐華府期間,福格森與先期派駐此地的福格森夫人相
in 1952. He was dispatched to Washington DC, USA in the 愛結褵。一九五五年九月二十二日,夫婦二人抵達北京,開始
following year, where he met and married Mrs. Ferguson. On 為期兩年又兩月餘的駐京生活,直至一九五七年十一月底方離
Sep 22, 1955, the couple set foot in Beijing, China for their 京,赴任伊朗首都德黑蘭。此後,福格森夫婦先後輪駐前蘇聯
very first diplomatic post in the Far East. The collection of six 莫斯科、比利時布魯塞爾、波蘭華沙、愛爾蘭都柏林、菲律賓
wonderful paintings by Qi Baishi, the most beloved Chinese 馬尼拉以及中美洲科克斯和凱科斯群島等地,再未重返中國。
artist of his time, was the happy reminiscence of their life in 一九九〇年,福格森先生自英國外交部一等秘書任上榮休。
the ancient oriental capital. They stayed in Beijing for over 2
years, by the end of November 1957, they moved on to their 肯尼思 · 福格森愛好廣泛,對派駐地的文化藝術充滿濃厚興
next journey in Tehran, followed subsequently by Moscow, 趣,又鍾愛攝影,外出必攜一架相機。故一九五七年訪問齊
Brussels, Warsaw, Dublin, Manila, as well as Turks & Caicos 白石,便於家庭相簿中留下珍貴的回憶。其中一張相紙上有
Islands in Central America. Mr. Ferguson retired from his 手寫「CHIH PAI SHIH AUGUST 1957」字樣,意為「齊白
office as First Secretary in 1990. 石,1957年8月」,推測為照片沖洗時間,蓋因舊時相紙矜
Being an enthusiast for life, Mr. Ferguson was a keen 牆上黃曆,福格森夫婦及友人訪問白石的時間,或在一九五七
traveller in his diplomatic career as well as being an amateur 年四月二十四日。本輯白石六件作品,除齊白石、王雪濤合作
photographer, philatelist and collector of works of art. He 〈草蟲牽牛花〉(編號232)購於一九五六年十二月六日,其
recounted that Beijing was culturally the most stimulating 餘五件則分別於一九五七年六月十五日、十七日及八月十六日
post he ever experienced. 三次購得,頻頻購買畫作,大約和四月拜訪過畫家本人,不無
He made the most of his free time, travelling and 關係吧!
photographing interesting temples and buildings while at the 藏家完整保留的原始發票上,可見簡體字朱紅公章一枚,「公
same time taking any opportunity to visit markets, purchasing 私合营东单珠宝砧翠义和兴门市部(公司合營東單珠寶鑽翠義
articles he found to be of interest; he particularly liked 和興門市部)」。據考,北京實現全行業公私合營乃自一九五
ceramics, woodwork and paintings. Mr. Ferguson recalled 六年一月起,而《關於公布〈漢字簡化方案〉的決議》亦於此
in later life to his children that he felt particularly privileged to 時推出,一張小小的發票,記錄了五十年代兩件影響深遠的歷
have known the artist Qi Baishi in person. 史事件,更令這一沉寂了六十餘年的海外珍藏,別具意義。
齊白石(中)與福格森夫婦(左)及友人 福格森夫婦一九五七年拜訪齊白石時所拍攝 福格森夫婦(左和右立者)與齊白石
Qi Baishi (middle) with Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson (left) and Qi Baishi, 1957, photo taken on the day of 於門階前
their friends the Fergusons’ visit The Ferguson (left and right) and Qi
Baishi in front of his house