Page 120 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 120

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           PU RU (1896-1963)                                 PU RU (1896-1963)
           Jigong                                            Turtle on the Rock
           Ink on paper, framed                              Ink on paper, framed
           Inscribed and signed Xinyu, with three seals of the artist and two   Inscribed and signed Xinyu, with a dedication, two seals of the artist
           collector’s seals                                 and one collector’s seal
           60 x 24.8cm (23⅝ x 9¾in)                          53.8 x 28.2cm (21⅛ x 11⅛in)

           HK$40,000 - 60,000                                HK$40,000 - 60,000
           US$5,200 - 7,700                                  US$5,200 - 7,700
           溥儒 濟公 水墨紙本 鏡框                                     溥儒 龜石圖 水墨紙本 鏡框

           款識:                                               款識:
           醉菩提,大解脫,壺觴滌心性,形骸忘輪廓。狗肉煮不爛,伽藍作藜                    稻田米,人所貴,嗟爾望何為。天祿尊賢士,勤勞豈養龜。宗堯屬
           藿。心畬。                                             題,贈善德,心畬。

           鈐印:舊王孫、溥儒、一壺之鈢中                                   鈐印:溥儒、一壺之鈢中
           藏印:聞善心賞、白鷗堂藏                                      藏印:白鷗堂藏

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