Page 126 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 126

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           JIANG ZHAOSHEN (1925-1996)                        題識:
           Portrait of Pu Ru                                 海外蠻邦,天涯孤客渾難渡。千重雲黛,舊國知何處?煙水濛濛,不
           Ink and colour on paper, framed                   見來時路。人非故,新愁無數,誰得朱顏駐。西山逸士溥儒題。
           Inscribed and signed Jiang Zhaoshen, with two seals of the artist
           Dated jiawu year (1954)                           鈐印:(江)江兆申印、茮園染翰
           Inscribed and signed Xishan yishi Pu Ru, with two seals of his   (溥)溥儒之鈢印、溥儒
           109.8 x 50.2cm (43¼ x 19¾in)
           HK$150,000 - 250,000                              PU RU (1896-1963)
           US$19,000 - 32,000                                Fishing
                                                             Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
           江兆申 溥儒立像 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五四年作                           Inscribed and signed Xinyu, with a dedication and three seals of the
           溥儒題識                                              artist
                                                             78 x 37.6cm (30¾ x 14¾in)
           溥儒師德懷高節,博學廣藝,其心蕩蕩,瀟灑清骨,立絕世風神。因                    HK$50,000 - 80,000
           避亂移家,隱於臺島寒玉堂,深居簡出,寄情翰墨書畫,成自家面                     US$6,500 - 10,000
           質格調,雅逸絕倫。獲此因緣,平生何求矣。今逢先生壽慶待宴,敬                    溥儒 垂釣圖 設色紙本 立軸

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