Page 151 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 151

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           HUANG ZHOU (1925-1997)                            黃冑 維族舞蹈 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六五年作
           Folk Dance of Uyghur
           Ink and colour on paper, framed                   款識:
           Inscribed and signed Huang Zhou, with a dedication and three seals   阿老同志指教。壬寅(1962)二月於望都遊覽漢墓壁畫後得稿,一九
           of the artist                                     六五年元旦前二日,寫此圖迎新春,黃冑於京郊。
           Dated 1965
           126.5 x 63cm (49¾ x 24¾in)                        鈐印:梁、黃冑之印、黃冑
           HK$300,000 - 400,000                              上款:「阿老」即老洪憲(1920-2015),廣東順德人。先後任教於
           US$39,000 - 52,000                                北京師範藝術學院、中央工藝美術學院。擅繪,尤擅創作舞蹈人物。

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