Page 22 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 22


                                                             EMPRESS DOWAGER CIXI (1835-1908)
           113                                               Peony
           113                                               Ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll
           ZUO ZONGTANG (1812-1885)                          Inscribed and signed yubi (by the Empress Dowager herself), and with four
           Calligraphy Couplet in Seal Script                seals of the artist
           Ink on paper, pair of framed calligraphy          Dated jiawu year (1894) of Emperor Guangxu’s reign
           Signed Zuo Zongtang, with a dedication and two seals of the artist   Further inscribed and signed Zhu Yifan (1861-1937), with two seals of his
           153.5 x 33.2cm (60⅜ x 13⅛in) each (2)             125.4 x 62.8cm (49⅜ x 24¾in)

           HK$30,000 - 50,000                                HK$8,000 - 12,000
           US$3,900 - 6,500                                  US$1,000 - 1,500
           左宗棠 篆書七言聯 水墨紙本 鏡框一對                               慈禧 折枝牡丹 設色絹本 立軸 一八九四年作

           款識:                                               款識:
           正其誼不謀其利,達於理必明於權。樹堂二兄太守正,左宗棠。                      光緒甲午(1894)季春上澣御筆。

           鈐印:左宗棠印、大學士章                                      題識:
           上款:「樹堂」即馮卓懷(1813-1888),字樹堂,晚號暨叟,湖南                臣朱益藩敬書。
           豐七年(1857)出任四川萬縣知縣,愛民敬事,越三年擢候補知府。                  鈐印:翊祐傳昌、養太和、慈溪皇太后御覽之寶、大雅齋
           據《清實錄》,同治辛未(1871)仍在任。                             (朱)內廷供奉、福田無量
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