Page 66 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 66

174                                               175
           CHEN SHUREN (1883-1948)                           HK$4,000 - 6,000
           Chrysanthemums                                    US$520 - 770
           Ink and colour on paper, framed
           Inscribed and signed Chen Shuren, with a dedication and one seal of   許士騏 英雄獨立 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四五年作
           the artist
           Dated the thirty-second year of the Republic era (1943)   款識:
           78.1 x 45.2cm (30¾ x 17¾in)                       英雄老去心猶壯,獨立蒼茫有所思。乙酉(1945)春日,許士騏寫於
           HK$30,000 - 40,000
           US$3,900 - 5,200                                  鈐印:許信、士騏畫記

           陳樹人 東籬秋色 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四三年作                           註:許士騏,安徽歙縣人。一九二〇年入上海美專,一九三〇年留學
           款識:                                               術系、建築系和南京師範學院美術系、教育系教授。曾於四十年代主
           倫敦中華協會存念,卅二年(1943)元月中澣,陳樹人繪贈自重慶。                  持「黃山藝苑」書畫社。擅花鳥、山水,工寫皆能,墨彩傳神。

           鈐印:陳樹人印                                           176
                                                             CHEN JUNFU (1916-1994)
           175                                               Mynas at Play
           XU SHIQI (1900-1993)                              Ink and colour on paper, framed
           Eagle                                             Inscribed and signed Junfu, with two seals of the artist
           Ink and colour on paper, framed                   Dated jichou year (1949)
           Inscribed and signed Xu Shiqi, with two seals of the artist   127 x 36.6cm (50 x 14⅜in)
           Dated yiyou year (1945)
           91.1 x 48.3cm (35⅞ x 19in)
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