Page 131 - Chinese Art October 2017 San Francisco
P. 131

           Current scholarship in the field of Chinese paintings does not permit   Current scholarship in the field of Japanese and Korean paintings
           unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of execution. The   does not permit unqualified statements as to Authorship or date of
           limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of Sale does   execution. The limited right of rescission contained in the Conditions of
           not apply to Chinese paintings. Nonetheless, if within twenty-one   Sale does not apply to Japanese and Korean paintings. Nonetheless,
           days of the sale of any such lot, the original purchaser gives written   if within twenty-one days of the sale of any such lot, the original
           notice to Bonhams that the lot is a forgery and if within fourteen days   purchaser gives written notice to Bonhams & Butterfields that the lot
           after giving such notice, the original purchaser returns the lot to us   is a forgery and if within fourteen days after giving such notice, the
           in the same condition as at the time of sale and demonstrates to our   original purchaser returns the lot to us in the same condition as at
           satisfaction that the lot is a forgery, Bonhams & Butterfields will rescind  the time of sale and demonstrates to our satisfaction that the lot is a
           the sale and refund the purchase price received. For this purpose a   forgery, Bonhams will rescind the sale and refund the purchase price
           ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with intent to deceive.  received. For this purpose a ‘forgery’ is defined as a work created with
                                                             intent to deceive.

           Property from a German Private Collector
           Property from a Pacific Northwest Collection
           Property from a Private Berkeley Collection
           Property from a Private Collection, Berkeley, California
           Property from a Private Collection, Rancho Mirage, California
           Property from a Private Oregon Collector
           Property from a Private San Francisco Collection
           Property from a Tucson Arizona Private Collection
           Property from an Oregon Estate
           Property from the Brown Family Collection
           Property from the Collection of Ada Lum
           Property from the Collection of H. Lee Turner, Kansas
           Property from the Collection of Jesse Miles Lewis
           Property from the Collection of Martin and Miriam Stahl
           Property from the Collection of Mrs. F. J. Crombie,
           Lake Elmo, Minnesota
           Property from the Dr. Sylvan and Faith Golder Collection
           of Fine Chinese Snuff Bottles
           Property from the Elisabeth Bruening Collection
           Property from the Estate of a Gentleman
           Property from the Estate of Howard A Slatoff (1921-2000)
           Property from the John Dashiell Rouse Collection,
           San Francisco
           Property from the Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
           Property from the Roxie Moradian Trust
           Property from the Sarkisian Collection, Denver, Colorado
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