Page 60 - Indian, Himalayan and Tibetan Art March 2018
P. 60

This radiant image in gem-set gilt copper depicts the Buddha   The rectangular undecorated panel at the back of the throne
           Shakyamuni with his hands in the gesture of turning the   indicates how the statue was placed in a larger temple setting:
           Buddhist Wheel of Law and expounding the dharma. The lions   where now there is a hole, a sturdy tang once protruded which
           in the throne are a symbol of the Buddha’s Shakya clan, and   would have been used to locate and secure the statue in its
           an ancient Indian emblem of royalty and power. Scrolling vine   designated position, cf. the statues of Densatil that are # xed
           around the base represents the branches and tendrils of the   in position in this manner, see Olaf Czaja and Adriana Proser,
           lotus on which the Buddha is seated, the % ower symbolising   eds, Golden Visions of Densatil, New York, 2014, p. 46-7.
           purity and renunciation.
                                                     Compare the scrolling vine throne, the lotus petal design, the
           The sculpture epitomises the qualities of Newar master   subtle inset jewellery and the clean and elegant sculptural line
           artists working for Tibetan patrons in the fourteenth century.   of a fourteenth century gilt copper alloy Amoghasiddhi in the
           Nepalese sculptural traditions are seen in the simple yet   Berti Aschmann Collection at the Museum Rietberg, that was
           sensuously modeled, and perfectly proportioned # gure of   included in the 2014 exhibition “Golden Visions of Densatil: A
           Buddha, the subtle colour of the expertly inset gem decoration   Tibetan Buddhist Monastery” at Asia Society Museum, ibid.,
           on the throne cloth below and the rich hue of the mercury   cat. no. 31: compare also the scrolling vine motif on the lotus
           gilding. The pedestal design re% ects Tibetan preference for   pedestals of two Vajravarahi gilt bronzes from Densatil, ibid.,
           sculptural embellishment in the exuberance of the scrolling   cat. nos. 42-3. Compare also a fourteenth century gilt copper
           vine motif, compare a central Tibetan seated gem-set gilt   alloy Vajrasattva in the Drigung Thil monastery collection, with
           copper alloy # gure of Manjushri with scrolling vine throne, see   similar scrolling vine motif on the pedestal and subtle inset
           Pratapaditya Pal, Art of the Himalayas, New York, 1991, p. 125,   jewellery, see Ulrich von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in
           cat. no. 65, where Pal notes that such % oral design along the   Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, Vol. II, p. 1041, pl. 260.
           bottom of the lotus base is commonly seen on Tibetan painting
           of the period but almost never on Nepalese bronzes.


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