Page 24 - Six treasures of IMpeerial Art Sothebys Hong Kong April 3 2019
P. 24


           REGINA KRAHL

           In the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), when the Yongle Emperor’s   Song for a Xuande Ware Bottomless Jar
           (r. 1403-1424) diplomatic missions to the Near and Middle   Second only to guan and Ru wares,
           East and to Africa were only distant episodes recorded in               it’s the Xuande and Chenghua that are praised,
           historic chronicles, a piece such as this must have seemed   For as age succeeded age,
           highly exotic at court. Clearly exhibiting all the cherished               though the making became finer,
           characteristics of Chinese porcelain from the early Ming   Just as skill involved for wheeled carriages
           period (1368-1644), but of intriguing shape and decoration,               gradually changed,
           it was undoubtedly an object of wonder in the Qing imperial   One may want to recover the start,
           collection. It is not surprising that an astute observer such               but, alas, who ever can!
           as the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1736-1795) was fascinated by   This piece basically emulates
           what he called a ‘bottomless jar’ (wudangzun) and attributed               zun vessels and lei wine jars,
           to the Xuande period (1426-1435). He not only composed   But why is it made without a bottom,
           two poems about vessels of this type and had the porcelain               impossible to hold water!
           copied by the imperial kilns, but the Zaobanchu records for   Now, don’t say this means
           the year Qianlong 36 (1771) state that he also commissioned               We should be criticised,
           a wooden stand to be made for such a piece, that in 1772 a   As when Tang Xigong had the occasion
           zitan stand was submitted and he ordered it to be inscribed               to confront Marquis Zhao,
           with one of his poems. The poem in question is probably the   Who belittled a pottery goblet and
           following (translated by Dr Richard John Lynn; fig. 1):
                                                                 so valued the glitter of a jade,
                                                     Whose liquid when poured leaked out,
                                                                 unable to hold it at all.
                                                     Then, he used the pottery one
                                                                 and just set the jade one aside.
                                                     That its three folds integrate nicely,
                                                                 does this surprise or not?
                                                     Though the porcelain is without a mark,
                                                                 We provide it with a title.
                                                     The copper lining held inside
                                                                 brings green malachite to life,
                                                     On the base of which “Xuande” is inscribed,
                                                                 for the lining is from the “Great Ming”.
                                                     Fitting together as do inner and outer garment,
                                                                 as close as elder and younger brother,
                                                     Though several hundred years have passed.
                                                                 these join well together.
                                                     Since it is treasured as a numinous object,
                                                                 trust that Our words are sincere:
                                                     Not only can it store water,
                                                                 it holds flowers as well,
                                                     So as the meaning of Our gentle words unravel,
                                                                 may they calm all the six emotions.

           22       SOTHEBY ’S        SIX TREASURES
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