Page 176 - Bonhams Chinese Paintings June 2015
P. 176
7304 7305 7306
Property from the Collection of Property from Various Owners 7306
Mark S. Pratt, Washington D.C. Wang Chong (1494-1533)
7305 Calligraphy in Running Script
7304 Attributed to Yuan Shangtong Album leaf now mounted, framed and glazed,
Jiang Yujian (d. 1838) (1590-1661) ink on paper, signed and with five seals.
Orchids Winter Landscape with Travelers and 11 x 9 1/2in (28 x 24.1cm) sight
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, inscribed Fisherman $3,000 - 5,000
and signed Juting Yujian with two artist’s Hanging scroll now mounted, framed and
seals reading Jiang Yujian yin and Juting, glazed, ink and color on paper, inscribed, 王寵 行書書法 水墨紙本 冊頁 鏡框
and mounted with a long colophon dated dated xinsi chun ri (possibly 1641, spring) and
Tongzhi guihai (1863) and signed Fupao bearing the signature reading Yuan Shangtong
Dong Yao (1800-1883). with two seals reading Shangtong zhi yin and
46 1/16 x 12 1/8in (117 x 30.8) zi Shuming and one collector’s seal.
$3,000 - 5,000 37 1/2 x 12 1/2in (95.3 x 31.8cm)
$5,000 - 7,000
蔣予檢 墨蘭圖 水墨紙本 立軸
傳 袁尚統 冷灘孤舟 設色紙本 鏡框