Page 198 - Bonhams Chinese Paintings June 2015
P. 198
7352 張大千 雲天樓閣圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七二年作
Zhang Daqian (1899-1983)
Mountain Retreat Among Clouds and Streams, 1972 款識: 孤雲兩角,去天一握,其若此乎? 六十年目疾新愈,得佳楮
Ink and color on paper, mounted, framed and glazed, inscribed, 欣然命筆。爰翁七十有四歲(1972)環蓽菴。 重九前一日,風日軟美。
signed and dated Yuan Weng qi shi you si sui (Old Man Yuan at age 鈐印: 大千唯印大幸、壬子、 環蓽盦
seventy-four, or 1972) with three artist’s seals reading Daqian wei yin
da xing, renzi (1972), and Huanbi’an. 來源: 美國北加州藏家勞克漢先生﹑夫人(Mr. and Mrs. Hal
40 x 16 1/4in (101.5 x 41.3cm) Louchheim)所藏,一九七〇年代中期購於北加州帕羅奧圖市(Palo
$150,000 - 250,000 Alto) Erickson畫廊
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Louchheim, purchased from Erickson
Gallery, Palo Alto, California in the mid-1970s