Page 121 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 121

Engraved by Zhang Daqian in his  early years, the  “Daqian  Wuzhi”   此作品右下角一方“大千無止”閑章,為張大千早年自刻之象形文
            pictorial seal on the lower right corner of  the  painting is rarely seen.   印,在現存大千作品中極為罕見。“無止”即為無極限、無休止、
            Signifying boundless, limitless, and endless, “Wuzhi” encapsulates Zhang’s   無盡頭之意。大千一生作畫無數,自從邁入藝術殿堂開始,凡有空
            persistent brushwork practice, enduring creative process, and steadfast   閒時間便提筆作畫,反覆練習與創作,天賦非凡外更勤奮不懈地下
            work ethic. The design of the seal resembles an elephant, and is perhaps   苦功,使他在三十多歲便以名揚四海,故此方閑章亦可視為大千人
            an allusion to the Chinese character elephant (xiang) written in ancient   生的座右銘。
            script, which features eyes, limbs, trunk and tail. In a few simple lines,
            the carving knife vividly revealed the mammal’s bulky outline. Much like   此方印章或許參考了古璽肖形印(象)之構圖,刻意地佈局猶如一
            an elephant’s gradual, weighty steps, Zhang Daqian’s lifetime of artistic   頭大象,有眼有鼻、有足有尾。幾根樸實的線條將大象笨拙的形象
            creation was resolute and momentous.

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