Page 138 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 138

The present jardinière is part of a celebrated group of ‘numbered’   本件拍品與拍品編號542一樣,屬於陳設類鈞瓷,當為同類長方形
                   Jun wares, of which lot 542 is also an example. Similar to lot 542,   花盆的盆托。Bristol City Art Gallery藏有一件同類的鈞窯長方盆
                   the present rectangular jardinière likely functioned as the stand for a   托,載於Hobson及Hetherington著,《The Art of the Chinese
                   taller fower pot of corresponding form.             Potter》,XXXIII頁,編號1。清宮舊藏一件鈞窯「九」字款長方形
                   A rectangular jardinière of similar size from the Schiller Collection,   盆托,載於1996年出版故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集《兩宋瓷器
                   also inscribed with the number shi (ten) but with ruyi-shaped feet,   (上)》,23頁,編號19。 亦可比張宗憲舊藏一件此類盆
                   is now in the Bristol City Art Gallery, and is illustrated by Hobson   托,2002年3月21日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品149號。
                   and Hetherington, The Art of the Chinese Potter,” p. XXXIII, fg. 1;
                   and another with a lavender-tinged sky-blue glaze, and inscribed   倫敦大維德基金會藏有一套鈞窯長方形花盆及盆托,載於
                   with the number jiu (nine), is in the Qing Court Collection   《Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections》,東
                   and illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace   京,1982年,卷6,編號49。清宮舊藏一件與此類盆托配對的長方
                   Museum - 32 - Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996,   形花盆,亦帶「十」字款,著錄於1996年出版故宮博物院藏文物
                   p. 23, no. 19. A rectangular jardinière with the number shi (ten)
                   from the collection of Robert Chang was sold at Christie’s New
                   York, 21 March 2002, lot 149.
                   A rectangular jardinière complete with a matching, tapering   頁,編號25。
                   rectangular fower pot, in the Percival David Foundation of
                   Chinese Art, is illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great
                   Collections, Tokyo, 1982, vol. 6, no. 49. A tapering, rectangular
                   fower pot in the Qing Court Collection, inscribed with the
                   number shi (ten) and therefore apparently intended to be paired
                   with a jardinière such as the present example, is illustrated in The
                   Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 32 - Porcelain
                   of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 22, no. 18.
                   Another ‘number ten’ rectangular fower pot is illustrated in A
                   Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection of the National Palace Museum:
                   Chun Ware, Taipei, 1999, p. 84-85, no. 25. This fower pot
                   was later incised with the inscription Jianfu Gong Ninghui Tang
                   yong (For use in the Hall of Focused Radiance in the Palace of
                   Established Happiness), suggesting that it was used in the
                   Imperial Palace.

           The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(三)                                                     1 13636
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