Page 154 - Song Ceramics Lunyushanren Collection March 2018 NYC
P. 154


               Athena Zonars  Géraldine Lenain  Pola Antebi  Michael Bass  Leila de Vos    Rosemary Scott
               宋天娜          羅拉            安蓓蕾          孟博瀚          van Steenwijk  蘇玫瑰
               Deputy Chairman  International Director  International Director  International Director  吳夜蕾  Senior International
               Americas     Chairman's Offce  Hong Kong  New York   European Head  Academic Consultant
                            Paris                                   London, King Street  Asian Art
               ASIA                                                              London, King Street

               Chi Fan Tsang  Ruben Lien  Liang-Lin Chen  Sherese Tong  Joan Ho  Timothy Lai
               曾志芬          連懷恩           陳良玲          唐晞殷          何懿行          黎添銘
               Head of Department  Senior Specialist  Specialist  Associate Specialist  Associate Specialist  Junior Specialist
               Hong Kong    Hong Kong     Head of Sale  Hong Kong   Hong Kong    Hong Kong
                                          Hong Kong

               Dai Dai      Felix Pei     Harriet Yu
               戴岱           裴朝輝           俞敏婕
               Senior Specialist  Specialist  Associate Specialist
               Beijing      Beijing       Shanghai
               THE AMERICAS

               Margaret Gristina  Michelle Cheng  Olivia Hamilton  Andrew Lick  Jessica Chang  Vicki Paloympis  Ling’ao Tong  Rufus Chen
               葛曼琪          鄭玉京          高麗娜          李安哲          張為君          潘薇琦          童凌驁           陳嘉安
               Senior Specialist  Specialist  Specialist  Specialist  Associate Specialist  Associate Specialist  Junior Specialist  Junior Specialist
               Head of Sale  New York    New York     San Francisco  New York   New York     New York      New York
               New York

               Marco Almeida  Kate Hunt  Ivy Chan      Katie Lundie  Cecilia Zi  Caroline Allen
               安偉達          何玉清          陳以昕           龍愷曦          紫潮           安嘉麗
               International Senior   Co-Head of Sale  Co-Head of Sale  Associate Specialist  Junior Specialist  Consultant
               Specialist   London, King Street  London, King Street  London, King Street  London, King Street  Export Art
               London, King Street                                               London, King Street

               Tiphaine Nicoul  Camille de Foresta  Zheng Ma
               倪蒂芬          芳琴搖           馬征
               Head of Sale  Specialist   Associate Specialist
               Paris        Paris         Paris

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