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【自在】 Jizai okimono: articulated metal sculpture

          Ingenious movable sculptures of animals are the invention of   participated, along with many other metal artists, in world’s
          Japanese metalsmiths trained in the manufacture of samurai   fairs, notably at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
          armor. The Myochin family of armorers is credited with   in 1893. His eagle, offered at lot 3825, is regarded as the most
          the frst sculptures of this type in the eighteenth century. In   important work among his many masterpieces. Jizai sculptures
          relative peacetime, the demand for arms and armor, except   had been highly sought-after by Western connoisseurs and
          for display purposes, had slowed. To meet the changes   institutions since the late 19th century. Apart from the notable
          in demand, the Myochin expanded their repertoire into   collection in the Tokyo National Museum, other world’s best
          metalwork of a decorative and symbolic nature. Some see   assemblages are in the British Museum, the Boston Museum of
          these articulated models as the culmination of the armorer’s   Fine Arts and the Higgins Armory Museum.
          skill and imagination. Known as jizai okimono, literally “free
          display objects”, these intricate sculptures are a unique genre   It is known that Okakura Tenshin was extremely impressed
          of Japanese sculptural art.                         when he frst saw the jizai eagle made by Myochin Muneharu
                                                              during his research trip to Europe with Ernest Francisco
          The restoration of the Japanese emperor in 1868 and the   Fenollosa. He quickly recognized the importance of Japanese
          dismantling of the samurai domains further impacted the   metalwork and decided to establish the metalwork department
          tradition of metalwork in place by the ffteenth century. Rapid   in the Tokyo School of Fine Arts.
          industrialization and Japan’s decision to compete economically
          on a world scale encouraged new artists and ateliers who   A century or more has passed since these magnifcent mobile
          had not trained in the Myochin school. Muneyoshi (Tanaka   sculptures were made, yet they are as fresh and as captivating as
          Tadayoshi; ?-1958) created a remarkable body of work,   the moment a prodigiously skilled and gifted imagination chose
          including the dragon offered here as lot 3829, believed to   to make them.
          be the largest articulated dragon. Itao Shinjiro (1842-1911)

                                                   自在雕塑 - 序言

          自在雕塑,是逼真兼可動的金屬動物模像,造型栩栩如                            日本近代美學思想家岡倉天心在一次美國學者費諾羅沙
          生,工藝極為考究,乃日本金銀藝術史上之一大創舉。                            隨行之歐洲考察中,被明珍宗長所製之自在鷹感動不
          自在雕塑誕生自十八世紀,由著名甲冑世家明珍派開                             已,澄思寂慮,歸國後即在東京藝術大學開設金工系,
          創。隨著戰事平息,國泰民安,兵器及盔甲的需求亦大                            確立日本金屬雕塑藝術的正統地位。
          天馬行空的創意,在自然世界中求索,開墾嶄新的立體                            百多載韶華如駛,不朽藝術經典猶在。自在雕塑窮工極
          美學之路。自在雕塑又稱自在置物,作品身體各處可自                            巧,前衛革新,是一代藝術巨匠的心血結晶,也是一個
          由伸縮、屈曲、開合,使人嘖嘖稱奇,兼為日本雕塑史                            輝世紀的難得見證,如今賞鑑,依然叫絶,不愧為明
          譜下傳奇一頁。                                             治藝術的非凡瑰寶。

          田中唯吉( 生年不詳,卒於1958年),技藝超卓,佳
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