Page 30 - Christie's Asia Week March 2024 Chinese Art
P. 30

IMPORTANT CHINESE ART INCLUDING THE COLLECTION OF DOROTHY TAPPER GOLDMAN                                                                                                                                   重要中४藝術暨高曼珍藏

          Property from the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman                                                                 Property from the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman
          820                                                                                                                    821
          A RARE WELL-PAINTED AND INCISED CIZHOU                                                                                 A RARE LARGE PAINTED CIZHOU 'BOY AND
          'BIRDS' JAR                                                                                                            CRANE' JAR
          JIN-YUAN DYNASTY (1115-1368)                                                                                           JIN DYNASTY (1115-1234)
          9æ in. (24.7 cm.) wide, Japanese wood box                                                                              16 in. (40.5 cm.) high
          $40,000-60,000                                                                                                         $25,000-35,000
          PROVENANCE:                                                                                                            PROVENANCE:
          Hirano Kotoken, Tokyo, 1974.                                                                                           Dr. Peter M. Greiner (1940-2013) Collection.
          A Noble Pursuit: Important Chinese and Korean Art from a Japanese Private                                              Christie's New York, 18 September 2014, lot 791.
          Collection; Sotheby's New York, 11 September 2019, lot 508.
          高曼珍藏                                                                                                                   金   ⌘州⒋白ঃ黑花⒳子⒤鶴圖➬
          金 元   ⌘州⒋白ঃ黑ח花花鳥紋➬                                                                                                     Ϝ源
          Ϝ源                                                                                                                     Dr. Peter M. Greiner(1940 2013)珍藏
          平野۵陶軒,東̺,1974年                                                                                                         紐☼ωૈ得,2014年9月18日,拍品編號791
          Ǘ鴻雅㈹然 :重要日本私́收藏中४及韓४藝術品ǘ,紐☼蘇富比,2019年9月11                                                                                                                                                              (another view)

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