Page 6 - Christie's Asia Week March 2024 Chinese Art
P. 6
(Lots 801–1002)
A Tribute to Dorothy Tapper Goldman:
Collector Extraordinaire
by Robert D. Mowry 毛瑞
(Lots 801–904)
ollector, professor, connoisseur, philanthropist, world traveler… Wilton, CT, and of legendary Asian art dealer Robert H. Ellsworth
Dorothy Tapper Goldman was all of those and more. Best (1929–2014), who owned a home in New Fairfield, CT, in addition to
Cknown to the public as the collector of American foundational his well-known Fifth Avenue residence in New York, both of whom
documents who in November 2021 sold her print copy of the U.S. encouraged her not just to admire Chinese porcelains but to collect
Constitution—one of only fourteen known copies from the original them. And over the years she did, to the very last year of her life.
printing—Mrs. Goldman was also an esteemed collector of Chinese Diligently perusing all Chinese ceramics on offer in New York during
ceramics, particularly monochrome-glazed porcelains from the Ming every March and September Asia Week and buying from New York
and Qing dynasties (1368–1911). dealers and auction houses alike, she assembled a collection of more
than 100 Qing monochromes, acquiring the pieces one-by-one and
Born in Jacksonville, FL, Dorothy Elizabeth Tapper grew up in Shaker displaying them in her Park Avenue penthouse apartment. Chosen
Heights, OH, where visits in her youth to the nearby Cleveland with a discerning eye, Mrs. Goldman’s porcelains are the crème de la
Museum of Art with her parents, Irving and Jeanne Tapper, sparked an crème of Qing monochromes, evincing the potters’ consummate skill
enduring interest in the arts. Residence in Boston, where she completed in creating glazes in a rich, varied palette from subtle to bold. Mrs.
degrees in education—a B.S. at Tufts University and an M.S. at the Goldman grouped her porcelains by color, with those exhibited in
Massachusetts College of Art (now the Massachusetts College of Art the living room ranging, among others, from snow white and lemon
and Design)—and where, as a tenured professor, she subsequently yellow to emerald green and the palest of blues, known as clair-de-lune;
taught courses in the departments of Architecture and of Interior by contrast, she showcased her stunning array of Dehua porcelains,
Design at the Wentworth Institute of Technology, afforded ample including both vessels and sculptures, in the dining room. The
opportunities to visit the neighboring Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, porcelains featured in the living room came mostly from the celebrated
whose superb holdings of Asian art nurtured a deep and abiding love of kilns at Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, while those in the dining room—
Chinese art. i.e., the Dehua porcelains familiarly known in the West as Blanc de
Chine—came from the kilns in Dehua county, Fujian province. Always
Living in New Canaan, CT, Mrs. Goldman made the acquaintance delighting in the presence of Chinese monochromes, Mrs. Goldman
of Peter L. Rosenberg (1933–2013), owner of Vallin Gallery in nearby embellished her Paris apartment, where she spent several months each
杜麗芙.塔龐.高曼才情橫溢,長袖善舞,貴爲鑒藏巨挈,專職高等教育, 授ǐ工餘時,她喜到ˏ㊌̃隔Ǐ素有̯洲藝術殿ਕ̃ㅁⅲ波ૈ頓美術館觀摩,
畢生Ӂ襄善舉,⒤志周遊־४,Ւ璀璨萬ㅿⅲˏ生,又ㅭ能ы寥寥數筆盡 為往後對中४藝術ⅲ熱情৪˗;筆ǐ
錄ǐ 年 月,高曼夫́慷慨釋֨寰球』目ⅲ絕ˠ名藏ĜĜҷˠ僅 份ⅲ
Ǘ美४憲法ǘ原稿,極爲㎷動ǐ高曼夫́庋藏極富,所涉獵̃中४瓷器品類★ 久居康涅Ṽ格州新迦南鎮ⅲ高曼夫́廣結藝苑名宿,包括鄰近威ḓ頓市ⅲ華林
絕,尤͠清代單色釉最爲́津津樂道ǐ 藝廊主́彼得.-.羅森Ώ格(1FUFS - 3PTFOCFSH, Ĝ ),͠
及̯洲藝術泰斗安思源(3PCFSU ) &MMTXPSUI, Ĝ )ǐ安氏雖͠
高曼夫́本名杜麗芙.ͺ莉莎白.塔龐(%PSPUIZ &MJ[BCFUI 5BQQFS),生 Ւ紐☼ⓧ̩૯道清貴名宅最爲́所稱道,̷曾在離高曼夫́˙遠ⅲ康州丹Ώ里
於美४ζ羅里達州ҡԳ遜維ḓ,成長於Ѕ̶Ѕ州֡霍؟✥沙卡高ঃ,少時隨ḍ 置業ǐ他˙但鼓勵高曼夫́賞析中४瓷器,更啟發她展開收藏̃旅,成爲往
母參觀毗鄰ⅲԳ里夫蘭藝術博ḵ館,從而對藝術萌生興趣ǐ她在波ૈ頓塔夫 後那★耕成終生̢業ⅲ契機ǐ高曼夫́是紐☼̯洲藝術週常客,每年春秋Չ季
茨૯學取得教育學ૈ學Ψ,又於麻省藝術學院(現為麻省藝術暨設計學院)У 風雨˙改,駕臨中४瓷器拍賣會搜奇選妙ǐՒ顯㈥名藏̷有Ϝ自紐☼各૯۵董
畢碩ૈ學Ψ,Ւ後獲溫ṁ沃斯理工學院終生聘用,擔任建築系及室Շ設計系教 商Ǐ拍賣行,所蓄̃清代單色釉瓷器達過百件,經年❿月ঃ逐ˏ㈂藏,去蕪存
4 Dorothy Goldman. © GITTY DARUGAR - Paris, 2017.