Page 180 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 180
SIGNED QIU YING (19TH CENTURY) 清末 仇英(款) 清明上河圖 設色絹本 手卷
Along the River During the Qingming Festival 款識:實父仇英摩張澤端法。
Handscroll, ink and colour on silk, 13º x 243¡ in. (33.6 x 625.8 cm.)
Signed Qiu Ying 鈴印:十州
Colophons spuriously signed after Ming scholars, including Wen Jia and Gu
Lin 題跋仿明代名士。
£8,000-12,000 $11,000-16,000 來源:挪威私人珍藏,1948年至1956年駐上海挪威領事
Martin Bolstad購自亞洲,家傳至今。
PROVENANCE 宋代大家張澤端的《清明上河圖》用白描筆法細緻描繪了
Acquired in Asia by Martin Bolstad, Norwegian Consul General in Shanghai
1948 to 1956, then by descent within the family. 北宋都城汴梁人民的日常生活。此畫啟發了後期眾多畫家
This painting is an homage to the magnum opus of Song dynasty master
Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Along the River During the Qingming Festival. 元年宮庭畫師合作完成的一幅畫作,其畫卷尾部增添了宮
Zhang’s masterpiece recorded the daily life of Northern Song capital 殿場景,呈現妝飾華麗的遊船與精美絕倫的建築。此拍品
Bianliang in intimate detail, inspiring numerous works by later generations 的繪畫風格承襲張澤端的《清明上河圖》,而其構圖則臨
of artists. These include a collaborative court work painted for the Qianlong 台北故宮博物院藏的清代《清明上河圖》。
Emperor in 1736 that added a palatial scene at the end of the scroll, now
the National Palace Museum Taipei. The ornate barges and elaborate
architecture at the end of this scroll parallel the composition of the 18th
century imperial court work.
Like many other Qing dynasty versions of Along the River During the
Qingming Festival, this painting has been signed with the name of Ming
master Qiu Ying, clearly identifying the stylistic associations of the painting,
and likely amplifying its commercial appeal in the late-Qing art market.
157 (detail)
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