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                                    毛瑞   哈佛大學藝術博物館亞洲部榮譽主任暨佳士得高級顧問

          This exquisite sculpture represents the Bodhisattva   As evinced by this compelling sculpture, bodhisattvas
          Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Infnite Compassion,   generally are depicted with a single head, two arms, and
          as indicated by the presence in the headdress of a   two legs, though they in fact may be shown with multiple
          small seated image of the Buddha Amitabha 阿彌陀佛.     heads and limbs, depending upon the individual bodhisattva
          Avalokiteshvara is known formally in Chinese as Guanshiyin   and the particular manifestation as described in the sutras
          Pusa 觀世音普薩, but the name typically is contracted    佛經, or sacred texts. Richly attired, bodhisattvas, who may
          simply to Guanyin 觀音. Considered a spiritual emanation   be presented either standing or seated, are represented
          of Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara is the only bodhisattva in   with long hair often arranged in a tall coifure, or bun, atop
          whose crown or headdress Amitabha appears, and thus   the head and often with long strands of hair cascading
          Amitabha’s presence here defnitively identifes this   over the shoulders; as evinced by this sculpture, a crown
          fgure as Avalokiteshvara, who is sometimes also called   sometimes surrounds the topknot. Bodhisattvas wear
          Padmapani 波頭摩巴尼 (“Holder of the Lotus”) or Lokesvara   ornamental scarves, dhotis of rich silk brocade, and a
          世自在 or 世自在王 (“Lord of the World”).                  wealth of jewelry that typically includes necklaces, armlets,
          Elegantly outftted in the sumptuous trappings of an Indian   bracelets, and anklets. Like Buddhas, bodhisattvas have
          prince of old, bodhisattvas   菩薩 are benevolent beings who   distended earlobes; some, like this Avalokiteshvara wear
          have attained enlightenment 菩提 but who have selfessly   earrings, others do not. Though bodhisattvas generally
          postponed entry into nirvana 涅槃 in order to assist other   are shown barefoot, as in this example, both early Indian
          sentient beings—有情 or 眾生—in gaining enlightenment.    and early Chinese images of bodhisattvas may be shown
          Meaning “enlightened being”, a bodhisattva is an altruistic   wearing sandals, often of plaited straw. 3
          being who is dedicated to assisting other sentient beings   In addition to the image of the Buddha Amitabha atop
          in achieving release from the samsara cycle of birth and   the head, which is Avalokiteshvara’s defnitive identifying
          rebirth 輪迴 through the attainment of enlightenment;   attribute, the bodhisattva typically holds such iconographic
          bodhisattvas thus embody the Mahayana Buddhist 大乘佛  attributes as a lotus blossom, a vase, a ritual kundika vessel
          教 ideal of delivering all living creatures from sufering 普渡  淨瓶 for holy water, or is portrayed in association with a
          眾生.                                                 willow branch, a Buddhist symbol of healing, both physical
          Bodhisattvas are presented in the guise of an early Indian   and spiritual. In addition to those that comprise the base,
          prince, a reference to Siddhartha Gautama’s worldly   two lotus blossoms fank this bodhisattva, one at each
          status as a crown prince before he became the Historical   shoulder.
          Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛, implying that just as      A translation of the Sanskrit name Avalokiteshvara,
          Siddhartha 喬達摩悉達多 (traditionally, c. 563–c. 483 BC)   Guanshiyin means “[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds
          became a Buddha 佛, so will bodhisattvas eventually   of the World”, a reference to Guanyin’s ability to hear both
          become Buddhas, once all sentient beings have attained   the cries of the aflicted and the prayers of supplicants. An
          enlightenment.                                      earthly manifestation of the Buddha Amitabha, Guanyin

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