Page 20 - Bonham's July 13 2016 Edinburgh
P. 20

PICTURES & PRINTS                               82 Y ƭ
                                                              A PAIR OF SHIBAYAMA AND LACQUER
              79                                              NARROW PANELS
              TOYOHARA CHIKANOBU (1838–1912)                  Meiji
              Three triptychs and one diptych of              Black lacquer ground inlaid with figures and
              woodblock prints                                birds below flowering plum branches, in bone
              Each depicting three-quarter length portraits   and ivory, (some loose parts and losses),
              of groups of named Kabuki actors in famous      147cm high
              theatrical roles, signed Toyohara Chikanobu
              hitsu,                                          £400 - 600
              each oban-sized sheet approximately 36cm x
              22cm, and framed and glazed

        80    £400 - 600                                      83
                                                              A COLLECTION OF WOODBLOCK
     81       Provenance: The Studio of Eduardo Paolozzi.     PRINTS
18 | BONHAMS                                                  Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), Kunitsuna
              In 1969 Paolozzi travelled to Japan to          Utagawa (1805-68), and Toyohara Chikanobu
              make a large steel sculpture, ‘Osaka Steel’     (1838–1912)
              for the World Expo of 1970 in Osaka. The        Two by Kuniyoshi; a couple beneath a cherry
              sculpture was made in Japan and therefore       tree, and a reclining lady (framed): two panels
              Paolozzi took the opportunity to live there     of a larger image by Kunitsuna, warriors
              while the sculpture was produced. Paolozzi      on a boat: and a print and two triptychs by
              immersed himself in Japanese culture, taking    Chikanobu; a lady shopping for flowers, and
              part in Judo, visiting the Kabuki theatre and   two scenes of bijin at leisure,
              watching Sumo wrestling. He purchased           each approximately 35.5cm x 25cm, one
              quantities of Japanese toys, now in the         framed and glazed
              Krazy Kat Arkive in the Victoria and Albert
              Museum. It was during this period in Japan      £400 - 600
              that Paolozzi purchased these four kabuki
              woodblock prints.                               84
                                                              FIVE WOODBLOCK PRINTS
              80                                              Utagawa Kunisada (1786-1865)
              JAPANESE SCHOOL, A VERTICAL                     Two ladies in a courtyard, two samurai and
              SCROLL                                          a white wolf, a geisha and her lover, a lady
              Meiji                                           leaning over a veranda, and a lady pouring
              A standing lady in traditional kimono holding   sake for a samurai,
              a shamisen, with collectors stamps, in          each oban, approximately 36.5cm x 25cm
              colours on silk,
              image 94cm x 30cm, and framed and glazed        £400 - 600

              £500 - 700

              81 *
              A SILK EMBROIDERY
              Embroidered in various coloured floss silk
              threads, imitating a kakeiku (vertical hanging
              scroll) depicting a white hawk tethered to a
              wood perch and attempting to undo the silk
              cord with its beak,
              88cm x 33cm, framed and glazed,

              £500 - 600
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