Page 42 - Bonham's July 13 2016 Edinburgh
P. 42


185 (detail)                                                              186
                                                                          A PAINTED BANNER SECTION
PAINTINGS                                                                 On a yellow ground, a pair of dragons face a leaping carp within a
                                                                          central ceremonial gate, between a band of stylised shou characters
185                                                                       and waves filled with fish and crabs, in bright colours and metallic
LIAO FUZHI                                                                paint on paper,
19th century                                                              image 124cm x 30cm, and framed and glazed
A horizontal scroll in watercolour on silk, naturalistically depicting a
wide variety of birds including phoenix, peacocks, mandarin ducks,        £200 - 300
magpies, cranes, a parrot and an owl, all flying or perched among
trees beside a river, signed with inscription and seals,                  187
image 41cm x 181cm                                                        A THANGKA OF RED HAYAGRIVA
                                                                          Tibetan, 18/19th century
£300 - 500                                                                The King of the Wrathful depicted with a crown of skulls atop his
                                                                          three-faced head, holding his attributes in his six arms and stamping
Provenance: From the collection formed by Sir Claud Severn, whilst        upon bundles of snakes with his eight legs, surrounded by flames on a
Colonial Secretary in Hong Kong, circa 1900-1910. Thence by               lotus dais, with three smaller monks above,
descent.                                                                  image 48cm x 32cm, and framed and glazed

                                                                          £300 - 500

                                                                          FIVE EXPORT PITH PAINTINGS
                                                                          19th century
                                                                          Each painted in colours with tradesmen and craftsmen at their
                                                                          24cm x 17cm, and framed and glazed

                                                                          £250 - 350

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