Page 18 - Bonhams Asian Decorative Arts San Francisco Oct 13, 2015
P. 18

PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE LAS                        3028                                               3032
VEGAS COLLECTION                                   A GROUP OF FOUR JADE DECORATIONS                   A GROUP OF THREE JADE AND
                                                   Including two jade archer’s rings, one of          HARDSTONE BELT HOOKS
3024                                               greenish hue with isolated yellow inclusions,      The first of abstract rectangular section with
A GROUP OF SEVEN SMALL JADE AND                    the other of gray hue centered by an inclusion     flat head and handle inscribed in archaistic
STONE CARVINGS                                     forming a horizontal stripe of charcoal color;     script and reversed by a rectangular button;
Including a leafy pomegranate with a raised        the third a pale olive green jade cylindrical      the second of mottled brown and olive hue
animal to its side; a model of a cicada; a fruit   incense holder carved with archaistic              displaying a dragon head facing a curving
group carved with a peach and Buddha’s             decoration, the cover and base of gray-colored     rectangular-sectioned handle worked with
hand citrons; an animal group featuring a          hardstone held in place by silk cords; the fourth  raised C-scrolls; the smallest of mottled olive
recumbent tiger, a snake, a scorpion, a toad,      a jade-mounted silver hand mirror, the mirror      and russet coloration, depicting a phoenix
and a crab; the fifth a toggle carved with a       back centered with a mottled green and pale        head facing a winged body with incised and
butterfly and melons; the sixth a goose; the       russet bi disk carved with a dragon, the handle    drilled details (button chipped).
seventh carved as a Buddha’s hand citron           mounted with a jade dragon belt hook.              3 1/2 to 1 3/4in (9 to 4.5cm) long
and a boy (some with chips).                       7 5/8in (19.3cm) height of incense holder          $800 - 1,200
2 1/8 x 1 1/2in (5.4 x 3.8cm) dimensions of first  1 1/2in (3.5cm) diameter of larger ring
$2,000 - 3,000                                     $2,200 - 3,000                                     PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF MS.
                                                                                                      NAOMI LINDSTROM, SAN FRANCISCO,
NAOMI LINDSTROM, SAN FRANCISCO,                    OF WITTER BYNNER (1881-1968),
CALIFORNIA                                         PURCHASED IN CHINA IN 1917-1920                    3033
                                                                                                      A GROUP OF RETICULATED JADE
3025                                               3029                                               PLAQUES AND A TWO-SECTION BELT
A GROUP OF CARVED JADE JEWELRY                     A GROUP OF FOUR JADE AND                           BUCKLE
Including an oval-sectioned bangle with            HARDSTONE BELT HOOKS WITH BIRD                     Including two lock-shaped plaques of cloud-
convex exterior walls, flattened top and           AND ANIMAL MOTIFS                                  collar silhouette, finished to both sides, one
base edges (cracked); two saddle-form              Including two with bird-heads and a third with     centered with an endless knot between bats,
rings without decoration and a third with          horse-head hooks, each facing a swelling           the other with lotus flowers and covered box
leafy spirals in raised relief across the          spatulate handle, the stones of pale and           associated with the Hehe twins; the third a
saddle; the fourth ring with convex exterior       translucent olive green with russet markings;      rectangular pendant with a reticulated crown
surface and flat interior wall, the stone          the fourth cursorily carved with a bird head       in the form of a dragon recumbent over a
showing some cloudy white inclusions and           and a pair of wings in relief on the handle, the   flowering narcissus plant and reversed by
a natural hairline fissure. [5]                    stone of opaque and cloudy greenish-white          the character xi; the fourth a lock-shaped
3 1/2in (9cm) length across bangle                 with a pale russet vein.                           plaque of rectangular form and celadon hue,
$3,000 - 5,000                                     2 1/2 to 2 3/4in (6.5 to 7cm) long                 with reticulated dragon and wanzi borders
                                                   $1,200 - 1,800                                     surrounding a horizontal figural plaque and
PROPERTY FROM VARIOUS OWNERS                                                                          reversed by a four-character inscription; the
                                                   3030                                               fifth a two-section belt buckle, thinly sectioned
3026                                               A GROUP OF FIVE JADE AND                           and finished to one side as the Hehe twins
A CARVED JADE DRAGON PENDANT                       HARDSTONE BELT HOOKS                               standing amid clouds. [5]
Elegantly reticulated as three lithe and stylized  Including one with a horse head and the            3 7/16in (8.6cm) width of rectangular plaque
dragons intricately intertwined, all suspended     second a goose head, each facing a swelling        $1,500 - 2,500
by a tiny rodent carved to one dragon’s tail,      spatulate handle; the third with a two-horned
the stone of whitish gray hue displaying veins     dragon-head hook and two others with a             3034
of notable icy inclusions (chips).                 single horn to the back of the dragon head.        A GROUP OF CARVED SPINACH JADE
2 1/4 in (5.6cm) diameter                          2 3/4 to 3 3/8in (7 to 8.5cm) long                 DECORATIONS
$1,500 - 2,500                                     $1,500 - 2,500                                     The first a rectangular-sectioned belt buckle
                                                                                                      with indented corners and simple convex
3027                                               3031                                               face, reversed by a recessed trapezoidal hook
A CARVED JADE FIGURAL GROUPING                     A GROUP OF THREE JADE AND STONE                    facing an oval button; the second, the loop
OF GEESE                                           DRAGON BELT HOOKS                                  section from a two-section belt buckle, deeply
The larger and smaller fowl nestled                The largest of strongly mottled brown and          undercut with a curled chilong and reversed
parallel to each other upon a large lotus          pale greenish-white jade carved with a thinly      by a circular button, the loop on the buckle
leaf, reticulated to each clutch at a single       sectioned and curving spatulate handle (button     tied with four stings holding a total of fifty-nine
leafy branch; the stone of gray green hue,         chipped); the second of olive green jade with      beads in various sizes.
mottled in cloudy inclusions.                      russet markings carved with a cub dragon           3 1/8in (8cm) length across rectangular buckle
2 5/8in (6.7cm) long                               facing the dragon-head hook; the third of pale     $1,000 - 1,500
$2,000 - 3,000                                     straw-colored stone with a thinly sectioned and
                                                   curving spatulate handle (edge chipped).
                                                   3 3/8 to 3 7/8in (8.5 to 9.7cm) long
                                                   $1,000 - 1,500

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