Page 10 - Marchant Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics May 2014
P. 10
三 3. Blue-splashed straw-glazed jarlet with slender neck and upright flared rim, all on a short unglazed everted foot, the interior of the
neck with a single chestnut-glazed splash.
藍 11cm high.
彩 Tang dynasty, 618-906.
小 Old wood box.
• From the collection of Fujio Koyama, Japan.
唐 • A similar piece is illustrated by Regina Krahl in Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, Volume 1, no. 256,
p. 150, and was previously illustrated in Orientations magazine in their May, 1972, article Virile Pottery of the Tang,
pp. 46-57; another similar in the Osaka City Museum is illustrated in The Art of the Sui and T’ang, volume 3, 1978,
no. 57, p. 10; a further example with three-coloured glaze in The Tokyo National Museum, Japan, is illustrated by
Junkichi Mayuyama in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, Volume One, no. 299, p. 106.
• The result of thermoluminescence test certificate no. C113j26 Oxford Authentication Ltd. is consistent with the above dating.