Page 128 - Marchant Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics May 2014
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Yutaka Mino,	        Beauty and Tranquility: The Eli Lilly Collection of Chinese Art, Indianapolis, 1983.
     James Robinson

     National Palace 	    Blue and White Wares of the Ch’ing Dynasty, Book II, Cafu Press,
     Museum, Taiwan

     Nezu Institute of 	  White Porcelain of Dingyao, Tokyo, 1983.
     Fine Arts

     Gong Nongmin	        The Legacy of Chenghua, Imperial Porcelain of The Chenghua Reign Excavated from Zhushan, 		
     	Jingdezhen, jointly presented by the Jingdezheng Institute of Ceramic Archaeology and The 		
     	 Tsui Museum of Art, 1993.

     Orientations	        Virile Pottery of the Tang, Hong Kong, May 1972.

     Oriental Ceramic Society	 The Exhibition of Chinese Blue and White Porcelain: 14th to 19th Centuries, London, 1953.

     Oriental Ceramics Society	 The Animals in Chinese Art, London, 1968.

     Osaka City Museum	 The Illustrated Catalogue of the Tokyo National Museum, 1965.

     Osaka City Museum	 Ming and Qing Art, 1980.

     Osaka City Museum	 Shuncho Kogei No Bi, Special Exhibition, 1994.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, 		
     	 Beijing, Volume 31, Hong Kong, 1996.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Monochrome Porcelain, The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Beijing, 		
     	 Volume 37, Hong Kong, 1999.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, The Complete Collection of Treasures of The
     	 Palace Museum, Beijing, Volume 38, Hong Kong, 1999.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Porcelains with Cloisonné Enamel Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, The Complete 		
     	 Collection of Treasures of The Palace Museum, Beijing, Volume 39, Hong Kong, 1999.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (III), The Complete Collection of Treasures of 		
     	 The Palace Museum, Beijing, Volume 36, Hong Kong, 2000.

     Palace Museum, Beijing	 Selection of Ding Ware, The Palace Museum’s Collection and Archaeological Excavation,
     	 Beijing, 2012.

     Wang Qingzheng	      Kangxi Porcelain Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1998.

     William Jay Rathbun 	 In Pursuit of the Dragon, Traditions and Transitions in Ming Ceramics, An Exhibition from 		
     and Jay Gates	       the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Seattle Museum of Arts, 1988.

     Khalil Rizk and 	    The Chinese Porcelain Company, A Dealers’ Record, New York, 2000.
     Conor Mahony

     Rosemary E. Scott	   Important Chinese Ceramics from the Robert Chang Collection, Christie’s London,
     	2nd-14th June 1993.

     Sotheby’s Amsterdam	 30th October 1980.

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