Page 22 - Marchant Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics May 2014
P. 22

十 10.  Longquan celadon wine pot and cover, carved on the globular body with flowerheads on a continuous leafy scrolling
       branch above lappets at the foot, the gate-form handle decorated on each side with a continuous branch of lingzhi
龍      scrolls supported with ‘s’-shape struts, the rectangular short curved spout decorated with scrolls, the domed cover incised
泉      with bands of scrolls, triangular diaper and leaf-form lappets, all beneath a bud finial.
青      22.3cm high.
釉      Early Ming dynasty, 14/15th century.
刻      Old Japanese wood box.
花      •	 Formerly in the collection of the Nobehara family, Osaka, Japan.
卉      •	 A slightly later example without a cover is illustrated by William Willetts, Christopher Hooi and S. R. Parker in
酒         Chinese Celadons and Other Related Wares in South East Asia, no. 250, pl. 206, pp. 254/5.


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