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10.3.1  We will not be liable to you for any loss of Business,            the Entry in the Catalogue in respect of the Lot           12.7   The headings used in this agreement are
        Business profits, revenue or income or for loss of                reflected the then accepted general opinion of                    for convenience only and will not affect its
        Business reputation or for disruption to Business or              scholars and experts or fairly indicated that there was           interpretation.
        wasted time on the part of the Buyer’s management                 a conflict of such opinion; or
        or staff or, if you are buying the Lot in the course of                                                                      12.8   In this agreement “including” means “including,
        a Business, for any indirect losses or consequential              it can be established that the Lot is a non-conforming            without limitation”.
        damages of any kind, irrespective in any case of                  Lot only by means of a process not generally
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        in respect of any negligence, other tort, breach of               for us to have employed; or
        contract, statutory duty, bailee’s duty, a restitutionary                                                                    12.10 Reference to a numbered paragraph is to a
        claim or otherwise.                                               the Lot comprises atlases, maps, autographs,                           paragraph of this agreement.
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        (v) under our undertaking in paragraph 9 of these



                                                                                                                                     DATA PROTECTION – USE OF YOUR INFORMATION

        Where the Lot is made up wholly of a Book or Books          12.3  If either party to this agreement is prevented from        Where we obtain any personal information about you, we shall
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        and                                                               obligations imposed on you by paragraph 3.                 APPENDIX 3

        you notify us in writing as soon as reasonably              12.4  Any notice or other communication to be given              DEFINITIONS AND GLOSSARY
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