Page 90 - 2020 Sept 22 Junkunc_ Chinese Jade Carvings _ Sotheby's NYC Asia Week
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9/2/2020 Junkunc: Chinese Jade Carvings | Sotheby's
《An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades》,盧芹齋,諾頓美術館,西棕櫚灘,1950年,圖版XVI,編號2
Alfred Salmony, Carved Jade of Ancient China, Berkeley, 1938, pl.XX, no. 6.
Alfred Salmony,《Carved Jade of Ancient China》,伯克利,1938年,圖版XX,編號6
Catalogue Note
Boldly carved with distinctive facial features, the present piece belongs to a small group of Shang human head-form
fittings sharing similar characteristics. Compare a related jade fitting rendered with similar features in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
published in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Jadeware (I), Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 75, where it is noted
that such fittings represent the appearance of slaves in the Shang dynasty; and two others, one with incised hair, and the other
without, excavated from the Fuhao tomb in Anyang, Henan province, now in the National Museum of China, Beijing, published in
Zhongguo guojia bowuguan guancang wenwu yanjiu congshu. Yuqi juan [Studies of the Collection of the National Museum of China.
Jade], Shanghai, 2007, pl. 39; another in the collection of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, illustrated in Alfred
Salmony, Carved Jade of Ancient China, London, 1982, pl.X, no. 2; and a pair without the incised hair, from a set
of horse bridle ornaments, discovered from a tomb in Anyang, exhibited in King Wu Ding and Lady Hao. Art and Culture of the Late
Shang Dynasty, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2012, cat. no. IV-1.
物館,堪薩斯城,圖載於 Alfred Salmony,《Carved Jade of Ancient China》,倫敦,1982年,圖版X,編號2;另一對無髮例,出自
一組馬飾,安陽古墓出土,曾展於《武丁與婦好:殷商盛世文化藝術特展》,台北故宮博物院,2012年,編號IV-1。 90/122