Page 11 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
P. 11

From the collection of Dr Iain Clark
           Lot 23 to 28

           Dr Iain Clark is an engineer turned independent scholar specialised   郭家彥博士,以工程師退休後鑽研清代禮器,授予博士學位。2016
           in Qing ritual vessels. In 2016, Dr Clark decided to donate his entire   年,他決定將其畢生收藏的清代禮器全數捐獻給香港中文大學博物
           collection to the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong,   館,並受邀策展以其捐贈為中心的特展皇朝禮器。該展於今年春於香
           where he was invited to guest-curate the exhibition of his donation.   港中大博物館開幕,其圖錄多節選自郭博士的畢業論文。除清代禮器
           For Blessings and Guidance: the Qianlong Emperor’s Design for   外,郭博士平時亦收藏晚期中國磁器,在該領域中,郭博士收藏導向
           State Sacrificial Vessels, was held at the University Museum earlier   特殊、繞有趣味,從此輯器物中可見一斑。
           this year, the catalogue of which was edited from Dr Clark’s Doctoral
           thesis. Privately, Dr Clark also collects special pockets of later Chinese
           porcelain. This group is a mere example of Dr Clark’s eclectic taste in
           Chinese porcelain.

           Xianfeng six-character iron red mark and of the period                                                                                     23 front
           28.9cm diam.
           $8,000 - 12,000
           Provenance:                                       清咸豐 粉彩五蝠團壽紋盤 「大清咸豐年製」
           Peng Seng Works of Art, Bangkok, 25 May 1987
           The eleven years of the Xianfeng reign saw the Taiping Rebellion, and   曼谷 Peng Seng Works of Art 古董商,1987年5月25日
           then the Second Opium War, both of which dealt a devastating blow
           to the porcelain production at the imperial kilns. After the fifth year of   咸豐在位的十一年,先有太平天國,後繼第二次鴉片戰爭,其御窯場
           the reign, such production was nearly halted. As a result, the output of   在咸豐初年燒製過有限的御瓷和祭器,咸豐五年以後基本停滯。據
           the Xianfeng porcelain is very low, and to make the matter worse, the   《清檔》載,咸豐一朝製瓷數量極其有限。這些有限的器物,於咸豐
           sack of the Old Summer Palace towards the end of the reign further   末年圓明園一劫又遭厄運,也有的輾轉散流民間,故而今所見傳世極
           decimated what survived. Compare a similar piece with identical   少。比較一盤,飾相同紋樣,見蘇富比Important Chinese Ceramics,
           decoration, see Sotheby's, Important Chinese Ceramics, Works of   Works of Art, Jade Carvings and Jadeite Jewellery, 香港, 1987年11月
           Art, Jade Carvings and Jadeite Jewellery, Hong Kong, 24 and 25   24至25日,拍品180
           November 1987, lot 180

                                                                                                                                                                                   23 base

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