Page 64 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art London May 2018
P. 64


           A RARE ‘JIAN’ ‘HARE’S FUR’ TENMOKU        In Japan, black ‘Jian’ tea bowls became associated with
           BOWL                                      monasteries in the Tianmu (Japanese: Temmoku) mountain
           SONG DYNASTY                              range in Lin’an county, north Zhejiang province, now a nature
                                                     reserve renowned for its giant ancient Japanese cedar trees.
           of deep conical form with a groove below the lip and a shallow   The Japanese term temmoku (or tenmoku) is now universally
           straight foot, covered in a thick black lustrous glaze, the   accepted for this group of black-glazed bowls, as lasting
           interior with silver striations, the exterior with brown striations   testimony of this reverence.
           at the rim terminating in silvery-blue striations where the glaze
                                                     Hare’s fur tea bowls of the striking quality of the present bowl
           pools short of the unglazed foot revealing the dark brown body
                                                     are rare, and it is related to a small number of prestigious
           underneath, the rim mounted in metal, Japanese wood box
                                                     ‘Jian’ ware tea bowls, despite variations in colour or streaks of
                                                     their hare’s fur pattern; for example see one, also with a metal
           12.4 cm, 4⅞ in.
                                                     rim mount, included in the exhibition Karamono tenmoku.
           This bowl is outstanding for the Þ ne and straight streaks that   Fukken shō Kenyō shutsudo tenmoku to Nihon densei no
           slice through the rich black glaze. The sumptuous glossiness   tenmoku. [Chinese tenmoku. Excavated examples from Fujian
           of the original glaze has been preserved, which signiÞ es its   and heirloom works from Japan], Chadō Shiryōkan, Kyoto,
           position as a precious object within collections throughout its   and MOA Art Museum, Atami, 1994, cat. no. 6; and another
           history. The evenness of the glaze, which has been masterfully   of much lower proportions, from the Tokugawa Art Museum,
           applied without the typical pooling to one side, highlights the   Nagoya, ibid., cat. no. 16. This exhibition catalogue, where a
           perfectly potted form and well-Þ nished foot. The striking black   few important heirloom tenmoku tea bowls preserved in Japan
           glazes of ‘Jian’ wares derive their uniqueness for their various   were juxtaposed with a large sample of excavated sherds
           di% erent e% ects, created when air bubbles in the glaze burst   from the kiln site, impressively documents the wide range
           leaving patterns of streaks or spots, traditionally comparable   of qualities and the excellence and rarity of the examples
           to hare’s fur or oil spots, that can range in tone from rust   collected in Japan. Compare also the famous nogime tenmoku
           brown to metallic blue. The Huizong Emperor, one of China’s   bowl sold in these rooms, 11  May 2011, lot 7; the exquisite
           greatest imperial art lovers, patrons and tea connoisseurs, was   bowl from the collections of Mikyōdō (ca. 1615-1690) and
           a devotee of Fujianese tea and favoured Jian ware bowls. In   Fujita Tokujiro, sold in these rooms, 9  November 2016, lot
           Daguan chalun [A Discourse on Tea in the Daguan Period] of   108; and another bowl without metal rim from the collection
           1107, he commented that ‘the desirable colour of a tea bowl is   of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, included in
           dark black and the best examples display clear and straight fur   the Harvard University exhibition, 1996, illustrated in Mowry,
           pattern of jade colour, since it highlights the colour of tea’ .  op.cit., cat. no. 83.
           Black tea bowls were particularly appreciated in Buddhist
                                                     ಴ £ 40,000-60,000
           monasteries, where tea was drunk for its beneÞ cial e% ects
           on body and mind as well as ritually o% ered to the Buddha.   HK$ 442,000-665,000   US$ 56,500-84,500
           The seemingly humble aspect of black tea bowls made them
           particularly appropriate in this context. The groove below the
                                                     ҂   ܔ㜺ලཊՄ૩ຐ
           rim made them comfortable to hold; their heavy potting had an
           insulating e% ect, keeping the tea inside hot while protecting the
           Þ ngers outside from the heat, and their dark interiors made for
           a striking contrast with the white froth of whipped tea.
           The love and connoisseurship of black-glazed tea bowls from
           Fujian is intimately connected with the homage paid to these
           ceramics by Japanese collectors and tea masters. Temmoku
           tea bowls were probably brought to Japan together with Fujian
           tea by Buddhist monks visiting Chinese monasteries in the
           Song dynasty. Such bowls were revered virtually from the
           moment they left the kilns in the Song dynasty (960-1279).

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