Page 180 - Chinese Art Paris Auction Christie's December 2017
P. 180

■ 190
                                                                  RARE TORSE DE DIVINITE MASCULINE EN GRES
                                                                  CAMBODIA, KHMER, BANTEAY SREI,
                                                                  MILIEU DU XEME SIECLE
                                                                  Il est représenté debout en samabhanga. Il porte un sampot  aux
                                                                  plis verticaux maintenu à la taille par une ceinture, un pli retombant
                                                                  sur sa jambe gauche. Le vêtement est maintenu à l’arrière retenu
                                                                  par un noeud en forme de papillon. Son torse nu est rehaussé  de
                                                                  l’udarabhanda, d’un collier et de bracelets.
                                                                  Hauteur: 68 cm. (26æ in.), socle
                                                                  €50,000-70,000                   $59,000-82,000
                                                                  With Compagnie des Indes et de la Chine, Paris, 1967.
                                                                  Property from a European private collection.
                                                                  Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, 1976-1977.
                                                                  Connaissance des Arts, Paris, February 1967, n° 180, p.37.
                                                                  Antiquaires à Paris, Hotel George V, Paris, 20 May 1970.
                                                                  A RARE SANDSTONE FIGURE OF A MALE DEITY
                                                                  CAMBODIA, KHMER, BANTEAY SREI PERIOD,
                                                                  MID 10TH CENTURY
                                                                  柬埔寨 高棉帝國 女王宮 砂岩男身像
                                                                  於1967年購自巴黎古董商Compagnie des Indes et de la
                                                                  出版:Connaissance des Arts, Paris,1967年2月, N° 180,
                                                                  Antiquaires à Paris, Hotel George V, Paris, 1970年5月20日
                                                                  展覽: 皇家安大略博物館, 1976至1977年

                                                                  The style of Banteay Srei (ca. 967 – ca. 1000) is mainly limited
                                                                  to  the  temple  complex  bearing  this  name  and  some  contemporary
                                                                  temples remaining in its vicinity. Apart from a group of sculpted
                                                                  images belonging to those temples, not many other sculptures in this
                                                                  style have survived. The fgures are in general crisply carved, which
                                                                  is shown perfectly at the backside of this sacred image. The front is
                                                                  much more worn. The sculpture was most likely buried with his front
                                                                  downwards for centuries. The stone shows very slight pinkish colour
                                                                  as well, for which these images are known for.

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