Page 36 - Chinese Art Paris Auction Christie's December 2017
P. 36

                                       BOL COUVERT EN ARGENT ET VERMEIL
                                       CHINE, DYNASTIE QING, MARQUE A QUATRE CARACTERES
                                       INCISEE ET EPOQUE JIAQING (1796-1820)
                                       Le couvercle et la panse sont moulés en forme de pétales de
                                       magnolia, il repose sur un petit pied à décor ajouré de branchages
                                       Hauteur: 9 cm. (3Ω in.)
                                       €6,000-8,000                      $7,000-9,300
                                       Previously in a French private collection.
                                       Compare to a very similarly shaped fanglancai  bowl  and  cover,
                                       bearing a Qianlong mark, illustrated by Yang Boda ed., the Complete
                                       Collection of Chinese Gold, Silver, Glass and Cloisonne Enamel Ware,
                                       Vol. 2, 2002, no. 178.
                                       A PARCEL-GILT SILVER ‘MAGNOLIA’ BOWL AND COVER
                                       CHINA, QING DYNASTY, JIAQING INCISED FOUR-CHARACTER
                                       MARK AND OF THE PERIOD  (1796-1820)
                                       清嘉慶 局部鍍金銀蘭式蓋碗 四字楷書刻款

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