Page 164 - Sothebys Important Chinese Art April 3 2018
P. 164
A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘LANDSCAPE’ BOWL 清嘉慶 粉彩江西十景之「南浦飛雲」圖盌
well potted with curved rounded sides rising from a tapered 來源:
foot to a flaring rim, the exterior painted with a scenic spot
southwest of Nanchang, depicting a lakeside view with a tall
pagoda and other buildings in the foreground, islets with 此盌繪著名江西十景之「南浦飛雲」,佈置精奇、華彩麗
pavilions among willow trees at the other shore and fishing
boats dotted about on the water, with a black-enamelled
inscription reading Nanpu fei yun [Nanpu Flying Clouds] just
under the rim, all above a narrow lotus-scroll border in blue 飾各地山水名勝,如杭州的「西湖十景」、「長江十景」
enamel on a band of white enamel all within underglaze-blue 、江西的「廬山十景」及湖南的「洞庭十景」;詳見耿寶
double lines circling the rim and foot, the insides decorated in
iron red with a branch of prunus and one of finger-citron under
a pine tree in the centre, within a ruyi border reserved in white 成套江西十景瓷盌,極為珍罕,現知僅止一套,在1989及
on red at the rim, the base inscribed with a six-character seal
mark in iron red
14.8 cm, 5⅞in.
Christie’s London, 14th May 2013, lot 256 (one of a pair).
HK$ 1,000,000-2,000,000 藏品中另有一只瓷盌,題為「上清勝境」,刊於 Gunhild
US$ 128,000-256,000 Avitabile,《Chinese Porcelain from the 19th and 20th
Centuries in the Weishaupt Collection》,倫敦,1987
Nanpu fei yun [Nanpu Flying Clouds], a scenic spot southwest 年,編號20。同場另有一盌,題「潯陽九派」,拍品編
of Nanchang, also described by the Tang poet Wang Bo, shows 號3664。
a lakeside view with a tall pagoda and other buildings in the
foreground, islets with pavilions among willow trees at the
other shore and fishing boats dotted about on the water.
The present bowl belongs to a set depicting famous scenic
spots of the region around Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province,
where the bowls were made. The different scenes are
outstanding in their dramatic composition, quality of the
painting and the range of enamel colours. Geng Baochang
mentions as characteristic of the Jiaqing reign finely potted
and painted porcelains decorated with ten famous views of
various areas, such as Ten Views of West Lake, in Hangzhou,
Ten Views of Changjiang, the Yangzi River, Ten Views of
Lushan, a mountain in Jiangxi, and Ten Views of Dongting,
a lake in Hunan; see Geng Baochang, Ming Qing ciqi jianding
[Appraisal of Ming and Qing porcelain], Hong Kong, 1993, p.
Only one complete set appears to be known, sold twice at
Christie’s Hong Kong in 1989 and 2001, sold again in these
rooms, 7th April 2011, lot 17, from the Meiyintang collection,
and once more recently, 5th April 2017, lot 3630. See also
a single Jiaqing bowl inscribed Magu xian tan [Altar of the
Immortal Magu], from the collection of Yokogawa Tamisuke is
included in Tōkyo Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku:
Chūgoku tōji hen/Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National
Museum: Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo, 1988-1990, vol. 2, no.
672; and another inscribed Shangqing sheng jing [Scenic Spot
of Shangqing] in the Weishaupt collection is illustrated in
Gunhild Avitabile, Vom Schatz der Drachen/From the Dragon’s
Treasure: Chinesisches Porzellan des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
aus der Sammlung Weishaupt/Chinese Porcelain from the 19th
and 20th Centuries in the Weishaupt Collection, London, 1987,
cat. no. 20. One inscribed Xunyang jiu pai [Nine Tributaries of
the Xunyang] is also offered in this sale, lot 3664. Mark
162 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比