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P. 132


Pu Ru 1896-1963                                    Note:                                                㹍₺ġ冐⬓忶⹕˪㚠嬄˫ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġ
                                                   An Ho was born in Beijing in 1927 and became a       㛒墙
TREATISE ON CALLIGRAPHY                            disciple of Pu Ru in 1946, following him diligently
                                                   after moving to Taiwan. Pu Ru was particularly       慳㔯烉㚠嬄⌟ᶲɃ炷䔍炸Ƀἁ䃉⍾䂱ˤ
ink on paper, unmounted                            fond of An Ho. Apart from painting, he also          㫦嬀烉㮹⚳⚃⋩ᶨ⸜炷1952炸⋩㚰Ḵ⋩ᶨ
                                                   trained her in poetry, calligraphy, and other        㖍炻㕤冢ᷕ⭻㇨冐⬴䫔ᶨ念ˤ
dated the forty- rst year (1952) of the Republic,  disciplines. Their relationship lasted seventeen
October 21                                         years. This calligraphy is from An Ho’s personal     ⎎旬ᶨ䳁烉ⷓ佺㚠嬄ˤ⬱␴嫱㬌ˤ憸⌘烉
Inscription on separate paper by An Ho (B. 1927),  collection.                                          ⬱␴ᷳ⌘ˣ㔯䐃
signed An He, with two seals, an he zhi yin, wen
ying                                               $ 25,000-35,000                                      㲐烉⬱␴炻⫿㔯䐃炻ᶨḅḴᶫ⸜䓇㕤⊿
27.8 by 1081.3 cm. 11 by 425¾ in.                                                                       Ṕ炻⚃ℕ⸜㊄ⷓ㹍₺ˤ䦣⯭⎘㸦⼴Ṏ晐ἵ

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