Page 14 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
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Zha Shibiao 1615-1698                                             Qian Feng 1740-1795

POEM IN RUNNING SCRIPT                                            CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT

ink on paper, hanging scroll                                      ink on paper, hanging scroll
signed Zha Shibiao, with three seals of the artist, zha shi biao  signed Feng, with three seals of the artist, feng yin, nan yuan,
yin, er zhan shi, mei he                                          ren zai peng lai
119.3 by 47.8 cm. 47 by 18⅞ in.                                   145.6 by 55.8 cm. 57¼ by 22 in.

$ 5,000-7,000                                                     $ 5,000-7,000

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