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690 691

Liu Haisu 1895-1994                                   Liu Haisu 1895-1994                                    691
MOUNT HUANG                                           PINE, LINGZHI AND BAMBOO

ink on paper, mounted for framing                     ink on paper, hanging scroll

signed Liu Haisu, dated renshen (1992), autumn,       signed Haisu, with three seals of the artist, hai su,
at the age of ninety-seven sui, with ve seals of      hai weng, wu jin liu jiu
the artist, hai su zhi yin, hai su huan xi, qing bai  Inscription on painting by Cai Yuanpei (1868-
chuan jia, yi hai tang, huang shan shi wo shi         1940), signed Cai Yuanpei, with two seals, cai
69 by 45.5 cm. 27⅛ by 17⅞ in.                         yuan pei yin, he qing
                                                      171 by 46 cm. 67¼ by 18 in.
$ 10,000-20,000
                                                      $ 10,000-15,000
枛ˤ⢔䓛炷1992炸䥳炻∱㴟䱇ḅ⋩ᶫ㬚ˤ                                  㫦嬀烉㴟䱇ˤ憸⌘烉㴟䱇ˣ㴟佩ˣ㬎忚∱
憸⌘烉㴟䱇ᷳ⌘ˣ㴟䱇㬉ㅁˣ㶭䘥⁛⭞ˣ                                    ḅ
➞㴟➪ˣ湫Ⱉ㗗ㆹⷓ                                             柴䔓⽫烉炷哉⃫➡炸⬌㜦句句炻䵈䪡䊿

                                                      FINE CLASSICAL CHINESE PAINTINGS & CALLIGRAPHY
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