Page 22 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
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Lu Shidao 1511-1574                              Attributed to Zhao Mengfu                                Artist’s inscription:
                                                                                                          My son, Zhao Yong, is already 16 years old. He
RECLUSE AMONG LAYERS OF MOUNTAINS                THE GREAT LEARNING IN RUNNING SCRIPT                     is smart and diligent. As he asked for a piece of
                                                                                                          my calligraphy, I was happy to write the Daxue
ink and color on silk, framed                    ink on paper, album of fourteen leaves                   for him. This is not only to aid him in the study of
                                                                                                          calligraphy, but also in the study of the text itself.
signed Wuhu Lu Shidao, with two seals of the     signed Songxue daoren, dated jiachen of the Dade
artist, zi chuan, lu shi dao yin, and one seal,  reign, the twenty-sixth day of the fourth lunar          $ 8,000-12,000
illegible                                        month, with one seal, illegible
27 by 45 cm. 10⅝ by 17⅝ in.                      Colophon by (Attributed to) Wang Zhideng,                嵁⬇染炷㫦炸ġ埴㚠˪⣏⬠˫ġ㯜⡐䳁
                                                 signed Wang Zhideng, with two seals, qing yang           㛔ġ⋩⚃攳Ⅎ
Note on reverse of painting frame:               jun, zhi deng zhi yin
Personal critique by:                            Inscription on three separate sheets of paper by         慳㔯烉⣏⬠ᷳ忻Ƀ炷㔯䔍炸Ƀẍ佑䁢⇑
Dr. James Cahill                                 Yi Lixun (1857-1940), (1) signed Yi Shiqin,dated         ḇˤ
Professor, History of Oriental Art               jiachen (1904), autumn, with one seal, yi shi qin,       㫦嬀烉⏦⫸嵁晵⸜⶚⋩ℕ炻枿倘㓷侴䞍⤥
University of California, Berkeley               (2) signed Shiqin yinguan, dated guiyou (1933),          ⬠ˤᾇˎ㘯㖍㯪㚠炻ἁ╄䓂ˤ⚈㚠˪⣏
11/20/88                                         the tenth lunar month, with one seal, yi shi qin, (3)    ⬠˫ẍ冯ᷳ炻ᶵ䈡⫿⬠侴⶚ḇˤ㜦暒忻Ṣ
                                                 signed Yi Lixun, dated wuyin (1938), the tenth day       㚠ˤ⣏⽟䓚彘⚃㚰⺧ℕ㖍ˤ憸⌘烉ᶨ⌘㻓
$ 15,000-25,000                                  of the seventh lunar month, at the age of eighty-        㻞ᶵ彐
                                                 three sui, with two seals, li xun, qiu shui yi ren
映ⷓ忻ġ慵Ⱉ⬌晙ġ姕刚䴡㛔ġ掉㟮                                 With one collector’s seal of He Houqi (20th              柴嵳烉炷炷䌳䧱䘣炷㫦炸炸嵁櫷℔㚨ッ℞
                                                 century), ling shi he shi zhen cang; one collector’s     ẚ䧮炻㭷冒ἄ㚠䔓⎵䁢ẚ䧮ˤẚ䧮噌ㄏ炻
㫦嬀烉Ḽ㷾映ⷓ忻ˤ憸⌘烉⫸⁛ˣ映ⷓ忻                               seal of Yi Lixun, yi shi qin; and six other collectors’  ⭄旧佩ᷳ㫚⿍ㆸ℞⫸ḇˤ奨℞䧙炻晵⋩ℕ
⌘ˣᶨ⌘㻓㻞ᶵ彐                                         seals, xiu zhu wu lu, shou mo zhai, xi quan, song        漉⶚倘㓷炻㓭㚠˪⣒⬠˫⸷冯ᷳˤ⬇俾ẍ
㲐烉㟡㒂掉㟮側⼴姀抬炻≈ⶆỗ⃳⇑⣏⬠                               zhuang zhen wan, lin shi, xing hua chun yu               僑滲㱣ᷳ㤕炻寰Ữ戨憶揝䔓ᷳ㚱⑱ˤ䌳䧱
檀⯭侘㔁㌰㚦㕤1988⸜11㚰20㖍夳忶㬌ẞ                           Titleslip signed Xinqiao                                 䘣柴ˤ憸⌘烉曺伲⏃ˣ䧱䘣ᷳ⌘
ἄ⑩ˤ                                              each 25.8 by 36.4 cm. 10⅛ by 14¼ in. (14)
                                                 PROVENANCE                                               嵁㮷䤈ᷕ炻ᶵ䞍⤪ỽ㳩↢⢾攻ˤἁ㵪ᷳ㕤
                                                 Christie’s New York, Fine Chinese Paintings and          㛔刚炻⫿▋⼴ầ㛶⊿㴟炻⇯⣕䞗ᶵ佋炻⍰
                                                 Calligraphy, November 30, 1988, lot 15

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