Page 78 - Sotheby's Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy 09/14 /17
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Chen Shuaizu 1723-1795                           昛䌯䣾ġ㛐㦧勱垚ġ姕刚䳁㛔ġ䩳庠       Wang Geyi 1897-1988

HIBISCUS ADN BEGONIA                             㫦嬀烉⬳₏⯭⮏ἄ勱垚炻枿⼿梃沜≽帵䓇     LOTUS
ink and color on paper, hanging scroll           ℞傥倾⼊味シ⛐䫮⢾侭俛ˤἁỽ㔊徥㒔⇵     ink and color on paper, hanging scroll
signed Qiyang Chen Shuaizu, dated dingyou        岊侴ḹ䘣ἄ侭ᷳ➪炻⿸䓂ㆤ䓂ˤᶩ惱炷1777  signed Geyi jushi Xian, with a dedication and two
(1777), autumn, with three seals of the artist,  炸⇅䥳炻⮓㕤倆╄➪ᷳ大⺐炻䣩春昛䌯      seals of the artist, qi zhi, chang le
shuai zu, yi ting, and one illegible             䣾ˤ憸⌘烉䌯䣾ˣ⿉ṕˣᶨ⌘㻓㻞ᶵ彐      95.3 by 28.2 cm. 37½ by 11⅛ in.
94.2 by 46.4 cm. 37 by 18¼ in.
                                                                        $ 3,000-5,000
$ 2,000-4,000


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