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Wang Wenzhi 1730-1802                                  䌳㔯㱣ġ埴㚠䭨抬˪娑⑩ġƸġ檀⎌˫ġ     Deng Erya 1884-1954
CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT                                                 CALLIGRAPHY COUPLET IN SEAL SCRIPT
ink on paper, hanging scroll                           屧䃞䨢䷙ˤ㚰↢㜙㔿炻⤥桐䚠⽆ˤ⣒厗⣄     ink on paper, a pair of hanging scrolls
                                                       䡏炻Ṣ倆㶭揀ˤ嘃 䤆䳈炻僓䃞䔎⮩ˤ湫
signed Menglou Wang Wenzhi, with four seals of         Ⓒ⛐䌐炻句句䌬⬿ˤ              signed Deng Erya, with three seals of the artist,
the artist, wang wen zhi yin, ceng jing cang hai, bei                         hua hao yue yuan ren shou, deng er ya yin, and a
ye shan fang                                           㫦嬀烉㚠˪娑⑩ġƸġ檀⎌˫炻⣊㦻䌳㔯㱣ˤ憸  tiger shaped seal
With one collector’s seal of Luo Shuzhong (1898-       ⌘烉䌳㔯㱣⌘ˣ㚦䴻㹬㴟ˣ㜖叱Ⱉ㇧       each 126.9 by 30.2 cm. 50 by 11⅞ in. (2)
1968), shu zhong shen ding
116.7 by 42.2 cm. 46 by 16⅝ in.                        揺啷⌘烉炷伭⍼慵炸⍼慵⮑⭂          $ 4,000-6,000

$ 6,000-8,000                                                                 惏䇦晭ġ䭮㚠ᶫ妨倗ġ㯜⡐䳁㛔ġᶨ⮵


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