Page 8 - Sotheby's Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art, Oct. 9, 2022
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3601                                                                                                                     3602

             PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT JAPANESE COLLECTION  新石器時代紅山文化   青玉瓦溝紋器                                                       PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT JAPANESE COLLECTION  新石器時代石家河文化晚期   鷹形玉笄
             A CELADON JADE OBLONG PENDANT,             來源:                                                                           A JADE 'EAGLE' HAIR ORNAMENT, JI,         來源:
             NEOLITHIC PERIOD, HONGSHAN CULTURE         奉文堂陳淑貞,香港,1993年                                                               NEOLITHIC PERIOD, LATE SHIJIAHE CULTURE   嘉藝工藝品有限公司,香港,1993年
             9.2 cm                                                                                                                   8.2 cm
             PROVENANCE                                                                                                               PROVENANCE
             Susan Chen & Company, Hong Kong, 1993.                                                                                   Galaxie Art & Gift Co., Hong Kong, 1993.
             HK$ 50,000-70,000                                                                                                        HK$ 160,000-200,000
             US$ 6,400-9,000                                                                                                          US$ 20,400-25,500

             Flourished in the Northeast regions of present-day Inner   discovered in the tomb of Fu Hao, illustrated in King Wu Ding   A very similar late Shijiahe culture jade ‘eagle’ hair ornament
             Mongolia, Liaoning and Hebei, Hongshan Culture (c. 4500-  and Lady Hao: Art and Culture of the Late Shang Dynasty,       is illustrated in Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth. Chinese
             3000 BC) produced jades, which are distinctive in style,   Taipei, 2012, cat. no. III-3.                                 Jades Through the Ages, Taipei, 2012, pl. 4-5-11, where
             characterised by smoothly polished and softly rounded   Compare also ornaments similarly decorated with parallel         the author attributes this type of jade hairpin to the Yi
             surfaces that appeal to the haptic sense. They include both   grooves, such as an excavated armlet, illustrated in       community from Northeast China around the Shandong
             figurative and abstract items, such as the present piece   Niuheliang: excavation Report on a Hongshang Culture Site     peninsula who moved “to the middle reaches of the Yangzi
             which is minimally adorned with subtle grooves.  (1983-2003), Beijing, 2012, no. N3M9:2, vol. 3, col. pl. 190,           River, taking eagle worship to their new home. They loved to
             A similar oblong pendant was unearthed at Aohanqi, Inner   together with a cloud-shaped ornament, vol. 3, col. pl. 321.4.   fix their hair using a jade pin with an eagle pattern in order
             Mongolia, illustrated in Zhongguo chutu yuqi quanji / The   A related grooved armlet from the Winthrop Collection in     to be blessed by the eagle god” (p. 57). See also an example
             Complete Collection of Jades Unearthed in China, vol. 2: Inner   the Harvard Art Museums is illustrated in Jenny F. So, Early   in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, accession no.
             Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, 2005, pl. 32;   Chinese Jades in the Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge,   2009.87; and another Shijiahe culture jade ‘eagle’ hairpin
             and a further late Hongshan culture oblong pendant was   Mass., 2019, pl. 1.                                             discovered in the tomb of Fu Hao and illustrated in King
                                                                                                                                      Wu Ding and Lady Hao: Art and Culture of the Late Shang
                                                                                                                                      Dynasty, Taipei, 2012, cat. no. III-3.

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