Page 56 - Contenporary Ink Chinese Painting Nov 27 2017 Hong Kong
P. 56
"Emptiness goes together with substance and truth with fantasy.
Reality and illusion are one world: the two underlie and engender each
other. The give and take is spontaneous."
Xu Lei
“虛 虛實 實,真真 幻幻,現實和幻境是一 個世界,兩者相因相生,進 退自如。”
XU LEI (B. 1963)
Coloured Rocks
Scroll, mounted and framed
Ink and colour on silk
45.5 x 64 cm. (17 √ x 25 º in.)
Marlborough Gallery, London
徐 累(1 9 6 3 年 生)
設色 絹本 鏡框
Xu Lei was born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province in 徐累 1963 年出生於江蘇省南通,於南京藝術學院
1963. He was trained at the Nanjing Art Academy 美術系接受繪畫訓練,畢業後到江蘇省國畫院從事
and became a resident painter at the Jiangsu 專業創作和研究。徐累曾是新潮美術的積極參與
Institute of Chinese Painting upon graduation. 者,作品曾在 1989 年中國前衛藝術大展中展出。
Xu was an active participant in the New Wave
movement and his work was exhibited in the China/ 徐累對色彩的選擇和使用給觀者留下強烈的第一印
Avant-Garde Exhibition in Beijing in 1989. 象。利用精緻入微的工筆技巧,徐累以寫實的方法
Xu’s choice of colour palette strikes viewers in their 風和簾幕。徐氏在畫面中構建出虛幻的空間,賦予
first impression. With refined and restrained gongbi 其內在疏離的語境,以引導觀者去想象被描繪對象
technique, Xu portrays his subject, in a realistic 和環境之間的關係。對徐累來說,最吸引他的是“如
manner, set against mysterious backdrops such as 何調弄圖像之間的思維關係,修辭關係”。這種處
water, curtain and screen. He constructs a fantastical 理方法讓觀眾聯想到超現實主義畫家的作品,不管
spatial dimension that gives a domestic and 是可見的,還是不可見的,對觀眾來說同樣是引人
estranged context, alluring viewers to imagine the 入勝的。
relationship between the subject and its surrounding.
For Xu what appeals to him is “how to make a game
out of cerebral, rhetorical relations among pictorial
figures”. This treatment reminds viewers the works
by surrealist painters where the seen and unseen are
equally intriguing to one’s eyes.