Page 69 - Chinese Art Edinburgh March 2018
P. 69

293                                                     297

           298  Y                                             301
           A FAMIlle VeRTe VASe wITH wOOd cOVeR ANd STANd     A PORcelAIN PlAque OF BOdHIdARMA
           ANd AN IMARI cHARgeR                               Bearing Wang Bu mark
           19th century                                       The aged Buddhist saint sits before a smoking censer surrounded by
           The vase of baluster shape (neck trimmed), and decorated with a   clouds, enamelled in black, white and red with inscription and seal.
           scene of courtly figures, (star crack to body), the cover carved and   36.4cm x 25cm
           pierced with scrolling foliage, 25cm high and on an ornate wood
           stand; the charger decorated with lotus and chrysanthemum designs.    £500 - 700
           39cm diameter (4).
           £250 - 350                                         A cANTON FAMIlle ROSe VASe
                                                              19th century
           299                                                Of baluster form with applied twin lion-dog handles and chilong
           A lARge cANTON exPORT FAMIlle ROSe VASe            decoration to shoulder, enamelled with battle scene to one side and
           19th century                                       courtly figures to the other spaced by floral designs, with lappet band
           The flaring neck enamelled with a figural panel and a panel depicting   at foot.
           birds, butterflies and flowers, the body with similar larger panels   46cm high
           spaced by smaller shaped examples.
           62cm high                                          £400 - 600

           £700 - 1,000                                       303
                                                              A wucAI ARcHAISTIc gu-SHAPe VASe TOgeTHeR wITH A
           300                                                PAIR OF SquARe cuPS
           A FAMIlle ROSe SMAll BOTTle VASe                   Wanli six-character mark but later
           Republic Period                                    The vase formed with twin mask and hoop handles on square section
           Finely enamelled with scholars admiring a scroll painting.   body, each side decorated with a scholar in garden and with dragons
           15cm high                                          amidst clouds and above waves to flaring neck and foot, 30cm high,
                                                              and on wooden stand; together with a pair of flared cups of square
           £300 - 400                                         section and with flanges to corners and decorated with dragons,
                                                              each 9.8cm wide, and on wooden stand (6).
                                                              £400 - 600

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  ASIAN ART  |  67
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