Page 104 - Sotheby's Chinese Ceramics Nov 30 2017 Hong Kong
P. 104


                                                                              TWO CIZHOU BLACK-PAINTED
                                                                              WHITE-GROUND VESSELS
                                                                              YUAN DYNASTY
                                                                              comprising a square flask painted with birds and
                                                                              flowers; and a bowl painted to the interior with
                                                                              a flower head encircled by an inscription from
                                                                              Confucius Analects reading Junzi ai cai qu zhi you
                                                                              dao and three long-tailed birds, the exterior with
                                                                              foliate scrollwork
                                                                              17.5 and 16.6 cm, 6⅞ and 6½ in.
                                                                              HK$ 30,000-40,000
                                                                              US$ 3,850-5,200
                                                                              元    磁州白地黑彩花鳥紋壺 及


                                                                              A BLACK-GLAZED RIBBED JAR
                                                                              SONG DYNASTY
                                                                              of ovoid form with a pair of lug handles, the body
                                                                              with vertical ribs, covered overall in a black glaze
                                                                              thinning to a russet colour at the raised ribs, the
                                                                              glaze stopping above the foot
                                                                              22.8 cm, 9 in.

                                                                              HK$ 10,000-20,000
                                                                              US$ 1,300-2,600
                                                                              宋   黑釉棱線紋雙繫罐


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