Page 98 - Sotheby's Chinese Ceramics Nov 30 2017 Hong Kong
P. 98


                                                                              A JIZHOU ‘PAPERCUT’ AND
                                                                              ‘TORTOISESHELL’-GLAZED BOWL
                                                                              SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY
                                                                              of conical form, the interior resist-decorated
                                                                              in papercut with three floral sprays, reserved
                                                                              against a speckled caramel-brown ground, the
                                                                              exterior covered in a tortoiseshell glaze
                                                                              14.5 cm, 5¾ in.
                                                                              HK$ 20,000-30,000
                                                                              US$ 2,600-3,850
                                                                              南宋   吉州外玳瑁釉內剪紙貼花笠式盌


                                                                              A CARVED YUE CELADON JAR
                                                                              FIVE DYNASTIES
                                                                              of globular form with a short splayed foot, the
                                                                              exterior carved with rows of overlapping petals,
                                                                              covered overall in a greyish-green glaze
                                                                              11.6 cm, 4⅝ in.

                                                                              HK$ 30,000-40,000
                                                                              US$ 3,850-5,200
                                                                              五代   越窰青釉刻蓮瓣紋罐


           96      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103