Page 34 - Bonhams Indian and Himalayan Art March 2016 New York
P. 34

Stylistically, the slightly squared ovoid face and youthful body are connected to a number of
variously dated Nepalese sculptures, ranging from the 8th to 11th centuries. As very few early
Nepalese sculptures in metal from the Licchavi period bear dates, the category remains a
source of vigorous scholarly debate. An example in the Qing Palace Collection is dated to the
11th century (Zangchuan Fojiao Zaoxiang-Gugong Bowuyuan Cang Wenwu Zhenpin Quanji,
Hong Kong, 2006, p. 91, no. 86). While three variously dated to the 9th and 10th century are
published in von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, pp. 311 and 321, nos.
77G, 82F, 82G.

With that caveat, a Siddhaikavira form of Manjushri, dated 10th/11th century in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art has a similar incised rippling scarf drawn across the torso (see
ibid, p. 327, no. 85D). Meanwhile, her double-strand braided belt without a buckle relates to
another Siddhaikavira, dated 10th century, preserved in the Jokhang in Lhasa (von Schroeder,
Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, p. 499, no. 160B-E).

To obfuscate further, the incised stamen design on the top of her base is identical to one
found on a Vajrapurusha, dated 10th century, in the Norton Simon Museum (Pal, Art from the
Himalayas and China, Pasadena, 2003, p. 74, no. 43). While, the smooth and plump lotus
petals recall the Pala ideal and are consistent with the petals on an Avalokiteshvara, dated
9th century, in the British Museum (von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981,
p. 310, no. 77A). Also compare her to another early Nepalese Devi sold in our rooms on 17
March 2014, lot 4.

An important, hitherto unpublished, addition to the rare and elusive corpus of early Nepalese
sculpture, she defies exact identification or dating. Yet her superb smooth brown skin and
recesses with encrusted accretions attest to this beautiful, enigmatic goddess’ long history of
worship and ritual handling within the culture.

Bonhams is grateful for Dr. Pratapaditya Pal’s assistance with this
lot note.


Private Collection, Europe, 1970s
Private Collection, USA

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