Page 134 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 134

35 TP Y
           STAND, XIANGJI
           17th century
           The stand of rectangular shape enclosing a top of standard mitre,
           mortise, and tenon construction with a flush, tongue-and-grooved,
           single-board floating panel, the edge moulding gently downward and
           inward, ending in a beaded edge, the waist and the apron made of
           one piece of wood, ending in a wide band with a concave surface, the
           whole supported by square legs terminating in elegant hoof feet.
           81cm (31 7/8in) high x 64cm (25 1/8in) wide x 48.5cm (19in) deep.

           £30,000 - 50,000
           CNY270,000 - 450,000

           十七世紀 黃花梨癭木面長方香几

           Bonhams San Francisco, 9 December 2008, lot 5136D
           An important European private collection


           Incense stands such as the present example are among the rarest   几面標準榫卯攢邊框鑲獨板癭木面心,邊抹冰盤沿自中上部內縮至底
           types of Ming furniture. They could be square, rectangular, octagonal,   壓窄平線,窄束腰以抱肩榫連接腿足,足端內翻馬蹄,挺拔有力。
           round or even lobed and were used to display a scholar’s rock, a
           miniature plant, a flower vase or an incense burner. These stands were   香几常出現於明代書畫及版畫中,但傳世品極少。形制有方形、長方
           typically used in affluent homes and were often placed in courtyards   形、八角形、圓形或各式花葉形。王世襄著《明式家具研究》中述
           where, on the occasion of the Double Seventh Festival, (falling on   及香几用途,「富貴之家,或置廳堂,上陳爐鼎,焚蘭煴麝;或置中
           the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese calendar), the   庭,夜色將闌,仕女就之祈神乞巧。道宮神殿,也設香几,焚香之
           women of the household burned incense and prayed for progeny or   外,兼放法器」。明刊本《三才圖會》圖示之高方香几,與本例形制
           sewing skills.                                    十分相似,見王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,卷一,香港,1990年,
           An illustration of an incense stand, of a very similar shape to the
           present example, from the ‘Pictorial Encyclopedia of Heaven, Earth   一件十六世紀晚期至十八世紀早期黃花梨香几,可資比對,見劉柱柏
           and Man’ Sancai Tuhui, a Ming dynasty work, is illustrated by Wang   著,《晏如居藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港,2016年,頁286-287,編
           Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture, vol.1, pp.53-54.   號74。

           Compare the shape of the present lot with a rectangular incense   另見一件明晚期黃花梨嵌癭木香几,售於香港蘇富比,2015年10月7
           stand, late 16th/early 18th century, illustrated by Chu Pak-Lau,   日,拍品編號110。
           Classical Chinese Furniture from the Haven Collection, Hong Kong,
           2016, pp.286-287, no.74.

           A related huanghuali and burlwood incense stand, late Ming dynasty,
           was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 October 2015, lot 110.

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