Page 144 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 144
38 TP Y
17th/18th century
Each fitted with a mat seat, set within a square frame above a plain
narrow waist and beaded apron, all gracefully supported on thick,
beaded legs of square section joined by humpback stretchers and
terminating in hoof feet.
50cm (19 6/8in) high x 47cm (18 1/2in) wide x 42.5cm (16 6/8in) deep (2).
£40,000 - 60,000
CNY360,000 - 540,000
十七/十八世紀 黃花梨有束腰羅鍋棖方凳成對
Peter Lai Antiques Ltd. (label)
An important European private collection
Characterised by crisp linear form and understated charm, the present 方材,攢框裝軟屜,冰盤沿上舒下斂,至底壓一道窄平線。有束腰,
type of stools was highly popular during the Ming and Qing dynasties, 羅鍋棖。腿足沿邊起陽線,與牙條陽線銜接貫通。四足並非完全垂
used in a variety of settings. The earliest examples of the present type 直,下端略向內兜轉,馬蹄內翻有力。
were stable and durable due to their apron and waist carved from a
single piece of wood. 杌凳是明清時期極為常見的坐具,也被認為是中國最早的坐具形式之
Stools were the most commonly used forms of seating during the Ming 物坐於杌凳之上。公元四至五世紀的佛教石窟壁畫中也可見杌凳的身
period and appear to be amongst the earliest seating forms in China. 影。因其造型小巧、質量輕便,十分適合室內外各類場合,是文人雅
They were used since at least the Eastern Zhou period (770-221 BC) 集的常用坐具。有關杌凳的詳細論述,可參S.Handler著,《Austere
as shown by a bronze ritual vessel depicting a figure seated on a Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture》,柏克萊,2001年,頁
stool about to receive the offerings presented by a group of figures in 82-102頁;及王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,卷一,香港,1990年,
a procession. In later times, stools also served as seats for religious 頁27-33。
figures. Because of their relatively small size, they could be easily
moved between the various halls of a courtyard house as well as be 參考安思遠舊藏兩對十七至十八世紀黃花梨方凳,售於紐約佳士
used outdoors during scholarly gatherings. 得,2015年3月18日,拍品編號130及168;以及一對明晚期至清早期
For a fuller discussion about stools, see S.Handler, Austere Luminosity
of Chinese Classical Furniture, Berkeley and London, 2001, pp.82-
102. See also Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture,
vol.2, Hong Kong, 2016, p.19, no.A3 and vol.1, pp.27-31, where the
author discusses the general form.
Compare with two pairs of similar huanghuali stools, 17th century,
formerly in the collection of Robert Ellsworth, which were sold at
Christie’s New York, 18 March 2015, lots 130 and 168. See also a pair
of related huanghuali stools, late Ming/early Qing dynasty, which was
sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2012, lot 2007.
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